Plants are harmless, plants don’t hunt us down and eat us, they are food! Aside from poisonous plants of course, but they only try to defend themselves, they’re not trying to eat us.
In contrary to … pineapple.
Ever eaten a pineapple and your mouth hurt? You probably assumed it’s because of the acid, like when you eat a lemon and have a cut on your lip. And yes, that hurts too, but for pineapple to hurt, you don’t need a pre-existing injury because the pineapple actively causes injuries.
Inside the fruit, there is an enzyme called bromelain (also called the pineapple enzyme, how creative). It’s only found in pineapples and it has a proteolytic function, which means that it digests proteins. For whatever reason a pineapple needs something like that.
If you eat the pineapple, the bromelain is released into your mouth and starts “eating” the inner skin of your mouth. And that hurts a bit. It’s not really dangerous, as long as you don’t eat a lot of it or are allergic. In fact, bromelain is used for the treatment of muscle injuries and to help with … digestion.
There are other suspected effects that the enzyme could have, from improving the immune function to fighting cancer, but none of this is well-established enough to be used to cure people. But! Bromelain seems to improve the effects of certain antibiotics and has been shown to help with getting rid of a urinary tract infection, as long as antibiotics are used too.
If you want to take bromelain for whatever reason, the therapeutic amount is at about 2000 to 3000 MCU. What’s MCU? No, not Marvel Cinematic Universe, not Microcontroller Unit, it’s Milk Clotting Units. You can also use GDU (*Gelatin Dissolving Units), one GDU is about 1.5 MCU. @suesa
So much useless knowledge.
But pineapples aren’t the only thing that digests us, we digest ourselves! Or at least our cells do, in a way. The process is called autophagy (“self-eating”) and its purpose is degradation of stuff inside the cells, which serves as a defense mechanism against infections or general problems inside the cell.
There have been studies which show that short-term fasting upregulates autophagy in cells, which can have positive effects on neurons. Doesn’t mean that fasting is the cure for everything, but a short-term fast now and then certainly doesn’t hurt - if done right.
I think some of you expected something else when I said that “we digest ourselves”, maybe something related to the stomach. After all, our stomach acid is so acidic that it can break down seemingly anything. Why doesn’t it eat through our stomach and dissolves us from the inside out?
The solution to this is the mucus layer secreted by special cells in the stomach. This mucus isn’t broken down by the acid and protects the cells underneath. Additionally, digestive enzymes (we have those too, it’s just not bromelain but stuff like pepsin) are kept away too.
Side note: Pepsis means digestion. The drink Pepsi was named after dyspepsia which means indigestion because it was supposed to help with just that.
The protective mucus layer can be disturbed by a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori, which lives inside the stomach of most of the world’s population. It can generally be handled by our body, but if something goes wrong, a H. pylori infection can have devastating effects. Stomach ulcers are just one of them.
But it wasn’t always known that H. pylori is the cause of this. Barry Marshall and Robin Warren researched it about 20 years ago, resulting in Marshall ingesting some of the bacteria to prove the theory. He developed gastritis, as a result, treated it with antibiotics and was later awarded a Nobel Price for it.
What would you do for a Nobel Price?
Thanks @apsu for the topic! I could have written something useful but you wanted pineapples.
This is my last post for this year, as I’m going on a mini-vacation till the 1st of January and will barely be reachable for anyone. I hope you all enter this new year in a positive way, we’ll see each other on the other side!
Don’t blow yourself up with fireworks.
Short-term fasting induces profound neuronal autophagy
Autophagy: process and function
Why don't our digestive acids corrode our stomach linings?
Pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori Infection
Picture taken from pixabay.com

I've always wanted to start a resort / spa where I promote pineapple juice sensory deprivation chambers and baths. Those that refuse get a chemistry token.
Those that think it is a wonderful idea, well, they signed the waiver!
The new sort of “survival of the fittest” - great idea!
Ahahahaha I can’t stop laughing, the images in my mind after reading your words....thank you
It would make a great film.
Thats a cool fact that I never knew, but have always known/felt that after I eat too much pineapple, my mouth hurts, and I also thought it was because of the acid. who knew?!?!
Thanks for sharing Suesa, happy holidays to you and your love ones
most of us didnt know , am also impressed and buffled by it, great info
I'm just amazed that she found all these side-related facts stemming from the single topic 'pineapple'!
I'm just really great :P
I second the motion. Your effort here is very 'above and beyond'. You deserve your own show on the BBC!
I would totally watch the show. it was great info! I'm a pineapple lover and now I'm obsessed!
I saw somewhere how to choose a good ripe pineapple but I can't recall what it was. I'm going to have to google next time I see them in the market. This really is a fun topic!
Interesting and is it @originalworks ?
To call @OriginalWorks, simply reply to any post with @originalworks or !originalworks in your message!
It always is :P
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How much did the Nobel Price cost him?
You also totally forgot to credit chat. I oughta flag you for that! :P I was totally the one that suggested about pineapples eating you! You said it was too obvious! Yet here we are! You also totally got the idea for the different MCU's from chat.
I'm thinking you had been talking about the topic, but I do have a vague feeling I had said about "pineapple eating you" and after that suesa mentioned she'll write a post :D
But wouldn't be surprised if you had suggested it too. Who knows. I'll upvote your comment to recognize your significance in the topic.
LOL! Yeah, she said you had suggested the topic of pineapples, and asked chat what she should write about pineapples, and I suggested the pineapples eating you.
suesa 3:29 AM
apsu wanted me to write something about pineapples today
now I can go down one of two roads
the "this are the issues with pineapples because a lot of pesticides are used" road
or the "lol, why do people say pineapple makes sperm taste better?" road
geekpowered 3:30 AM
how about the fact that when you eat a pineapple, it's also eating you?
suesa 3:31 AM
thought about that but it's like the most obvious thing
And to think that SpongeBob lives inside of a pineapple under the sea...
Very nice article, as usual.. Have a nice mini-vaccation, I am looking forward to read more of your articles next year.
Nice Post... Thumbs Up! :-)
Btw bromelain is also said to be a natural way of treating migraine. Despite the many cases in which it has provided pain relief I do not know the rational reason behind. U?
Nope, no idea, but I might just try it when my next migraine attack hits! (it's probably something else inside the pineapple that causes this)
As one hits the google search button on this question, you get some search results claiming that the effect is caused by the enzyme... Mhmmm.
As long as it helps. - So good luck for your trial. May it not be necessary too soon. ;)
This. This why I freaking love science! Why settle for plain-old horror-slashers when true terror surrounds us. Every day. All day. "Who's eating who? Who's eating you" should be the pineapple theme song.
Also, mad scientist much? How many have experimented on themselves, do any still do that?
But, yeah. Learned something new, as always.
It happened so that I was in a hard discussion with this strange guy. I was very logical and was knocking all his false claims down. He got infuriated and tried to punch me. Since I'm a black belt to within a few micro-seconds that guy was on the ground. To my surprise, he neither wept nor got mad at me rather started chanting the mantra. Next time, I woke up I had turned into a fly and a pitcher plant was ready to consider me the finest steak for that day...

Luckily, I have got a laser-like memory so whatever I listen, it stays fresh in my memory. I chanted the same mantra and it turned me into a human again.
So, the point is you had not written these lines if you had gone through what I have been...
Now on a serious note, Pepsi is named after pepsin is an info for me. Also bromelain is something new for me. I really like eating pineapple specially when it's frozen because I live in really hot part of the world. Your posts are always full of some value. So spending time here is never a waste. Thank You @suesa. Shared.
Steem On!
This isn’t complete and utter slander! I will use my glial cells and bromeliad together to digest you!
User picture checks out. Let's hope @suesa can get away while the pineapple figures out what it is trying to achieve.
Pineapple heads for all!
Yes I've always thought that, the hurts I get when I eat too much pinnaple is as a result of the acidic juice, now I know better. Thank you for this informative one.
This reminds me of an anecdote I heard - that you can effectively remove your fingerprints by repeatedly submersing your fingers into pineapple flesh for extended periods of time, thereby slowly chemically stripping away the top layers of skin until scar tissue forms.
Always sounded like a terrible way to go about it. But I guess if you're desperate for anonymity...
scribbles this down
...for .... research ...
Sounds better than doing it with fire. 😉
I use papain to soften my meats. Sincerely I don't know if there's a benefit to it but it totally destroys the meat and is delicious.
What wouldn't I do for a Nobel Prize :)
Now I know why I feel that way after consuming wild pineapples...it is trying to eat me! Lol.
Awesome, I like this!
Do you also have information what for effect the pineapple has to our teeth? I had to think about spongebob directly btw when I saw the picture of the article :p
No idea, but I'm sure master google has a lot of info about that topic :P
pineapple is great for cooking meat since it softens it a lot thanks to the enzymes it possesses! Try out one these days!
useless knowledge
Do have a happy new yearHaha @suesa what a nourishing way to end the year... So much for all the
...So just asking for science's sake, but how long would it take to break down a dead body in pineapple?
Too long
Dangit, back to scarabs.
I love to eat salad and wondering if those vegetable I eat feel my teeth and got an agonizing death out of it.
Technically, plants can feel, at least while they're still alive (like when a bug eats them). But I don't think your salad is alive enough
Thank you for your interesting and well written article. From experience I know H. Pylori can cause a lot of trouble.
"Don’t blow yourself up with fireworks" you are right a friend of mine almost burn his home LOL
How do you even do that
Good post. Hope this comment gives back me sbd worth of a pine apple :)
Not good enough, be more creative
And here i am munching on pineapples every after meal. I eat it and it eats me too. Eureka!🤗
you are eating each other, that is called a contra entry in business
Awesome post! I didn't know that pineapple was so good, especially for the immune system. Thanks a lot for the info. Btw, Marvel Cinematic universe - good one 😂.
I like to eat pineapple fruit because it contains
Bromelain is believed to hereditary to relieve swelling of the sinuses and gastrointestinal tract, as a burn wound, preventing wet lung disease, making the body slim, even prevent cancer. @suesa
Hi @suesa! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.02 SBD @tipU
from @jasonshick :)
Check out new tipuvote! feature :)
Plants have many advantages it gives oxygen which is very necessary for human being so I give request to all through my this comment that please do cut the plants . Great my dear your post gave me a chance to tell the people my thinking
I know there are carnivorous plants, but why isn't pineapple called instead "carnivorous fruit"? It would be more fitting. Getting horror movies in which a human is trapped in pineapples and is being eaten alive by the pineapple.
Even the Killer Tomatoes could have been more impressive it it would have been Killer Pineapples.
And I read about the ulcers and stomach bacteria and learned the new word, ulcer . In Finnish, it's basically called "Stomach wound", and I'm checking that the ulcer is a
fancsy assbetter word for the specific kind of wound.Amazing ! I was eating a pineapple yesterday without thinking about all of that . Great post
that explains a lot when i eat it i feel a little sore on the mouth, i know most people didnt know this.
What a great read. I love pineapple. I visited Costa Rica and one of my favorite things there is their pineapple juice. Its incredible, mixed with rice.. OMG! They told me they use it as a refreshment for their stomach... in other words, digestion. It's great to learn about the actual science to it. Thanks!
good post thanks ofr sharting
I almost flagged you :'D
I was expecting that from suesa :D
Sometimes I come here and help out xD
Pineapple is very beneficial fruit.
Many times the pineapple works well ....
very good post i love it
Interesting insight. How come I didn't know this about pineapples?
They didn't make a movie about it.
Best. Answer. Ever.
I never took note that pineapple hurts. I just enjoyed the juice and sweetness
Maybe next time I will pay close attention to see or feel if it hurts.
Well until next time oh juicy pineapple
If I understand right, if you eat very ripe pineapple you get much less bromelaine but if you eat pineapple cores that are not ripe you get the very most bromelaine. Perhaps you were eating ripe pineapple and throwing the core out?
i like pineapple and i eat too much after my dinner @suesa
nice have never thought of this
well i believe it could be true but I love eating pineapple, though i dnt eat much.
may be this is the reason why it is said to avoid eating pineapple during pregnancy. Not too sure but just guessing basis your post and information. incase you find out something do let me know.
are you?
This Post very nice... your technical science all my favorite... carry on my friend...
I have not eaten this fruit for a long time @suesa. Good eaten in cold conditions during hot weather In my area (Aceh, Indonesia) this fruit has the name 'Boh Aneuh' :)
... I think that pineapple is just good source of vitamin C and antioxidants....Thanks for such a useful information ..Enjoy mini- holidays,,
so that the pineapple is good to eat, the meal should be poured with salt. sour taste mixed with salt gives birth to different taste sennsasi. Besides salt, I also like to mix with chili.
Interestingly enough the phosphoric acid contained in Pepsi and other analogues does effect some pepsis (albeit not an enzymatic one) on its own, doesn't it?
I found this post so interesting
Thank you for the trivia 😊 pineapples are my fave!
hi @suesa. this is a very informative write up. now i know something new about pineapple. ni ce one. by the way i am a newbie! i am getting inspirations from this kind of post
This is really interesting post. I didn't know about that. Thak you for sharing.
Is this really true??