In the previous posts, I promised you some fancy photos.

If you want to see the same thing with Hubble's eyes there it is HST - Dumbell nebula.
This is my first ever taken picture with a professional telescope (60cm one in Serbia) a few years ago. You haven't seen it in the last post, exactly for the reason of not repeating the same stuff also the one in Australia is better looking.

As you can see... nothing is automatic here, brute force solves everything - opening the dome and we even have another handle for rotating the dome - but that thing is semi-automatic, yet needs to be observed as it can go nuts.
This is CCD Camera Apogee U42 with an active cooling system. There is an effect called Dark current which affects your super fancy shots with super fancy equipment, then you need a bit more super fancy stuff - for example, dark current on this CCD is making noise on your image up until -25˚ C, and this cooling system can keep the constant temperature down to - 45˚C and it uses only air. The telescope in Ondrejov uses liquid Nitrogen and one in Australia liquid Helium.
And since you need to be out of the civilization to have minimum light pollution, there are always cool landscapes and fresh air. Also the cold nights and LOTS OF ANNOYING MOSQUITOS!

All photos are mine ©svemirac.
Feedback is always valuable.
Thanks for stopping by!
Wow! Thanks for this. To think that this is around 1,200 light-years away from earth is a really magnificent and, quite, astonishing thing you have accomplished here.
More grease to your elbow.
gde je ova skalamerija locirana?
Vidojevica, kod Prokuplja.
Evo i mapa svetlosnog zagadjenja i malo geografskih podataka. :)
Nisam siguran da li je nova skalamerija sa ogledalom od 1.5m pustena u rad ali je instalirana i prvi snimci su objavljeni AOB.
durmitor deluje kao da je u potpunom mraku (ako sam ga dobro pogodio na mapi :D )
Treba :D ali treba i izneti gore opremu :D :D
Mislim, uzima se u obzir i vremenski uslovi, ne samo svetlost. Vetar, nadmorska visina, blizina moru itd. itd. :) potpuno neke nebitne stvari :D
Ovde je isto zanimljivo sto je navodno zaklonjen sa svih strana - kazu da je dobar polozaj :D evo ne znam :)
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