in #science7 years ago (edited)

There was a story of a man that drove his newly wedded wife because she told him she was a virgin,and on their wedding night, this lasy did not bleed,her husband was shocked and drove her away.

Women are born with something called hymen,and this hymen can be found in their sexual organ. A hymen is a membrane which partially closes the opening of the vulva or external genitalia. Just like women have different height,shape and weight,the hymen varies from one woman to another, so it can be thick, thin large or small.

Picture of the hymen


There are different types of hymen

  1. Normal hymen-This is the most common type of hymen,which partially covers the vagina

  2. Microperforate hymen- This is the hymen that covers the whole vagina with only a small opening

  3. Septate hymen- This is a type of hymen in which the membrance has two openings instead of one.

  4. Imperforate hymen- When the hymen covers the entire vagina area with no openings at all. This type is usually detected at an early age as it can cause constant abdominal pain and requires surgery,and without the surgery menstral blood cannot flow out.

Images of the different types of hymen


So its the hymen people traditionally belives to be a mark of virginity,many people are of the believe that if a woman does not bleed on her first time of having sex,she is not a virgin.
However its not only through sex that the hymen can be broken or wears away,there are many things that could break the hymen and lead to not bledding the first time sexual intercourse take place.

The hymen can also be broken apart from sexual intercourse through this following ways.

  1. For most women who enagage in horse riding,vigorous excercise,bicylce riding,the hymen usually wears away,please know that its not saying that riding a biycycle or excercise will make your hymen wears out,usually the hymen wears out from these activities because of the pressure placed on the vagina

  2. The hymen can easily be ruptured when a tampoon is inserted into the vagina.

  3. As a woman is getting older the hymen tends to wear away on it own,especially if the hymen is very small or thin,a 16 year old has a chance of bledding than a 25 year as a woman is getting older,there is probability that the hymen could wears off and might not bleed.

  4. Deep fingering may break the hymen in some cases

  5. Also an injury down dere can cause the hymen to be broken.

  6. Penetrative masturbation or sex toys can break the hymen.

  7. Also in some rare cases,thou very rare,some girls are not born with hymen.

These are some of the reasons that might cause a lady not to bleed at her first time of having sex.

Reasons why bledding occurs for the first time a lady has sex

  1. When a breakage in the hymen occurs

  2. When the man forces himself inside a girl when she is not aroused,ready or relaxed.

  3. Due to infections

  4. When the man is rough too during sex

The bottom line of all these is that its very wrong accuse a woman of not being a virgin simply because she does not bleed.

Why is this so important to be aware of
Women all over the world get abused or even killed due to the myth of virgins bleeding because most people especially men belives that bleeding is a sign of virginity.women who claim they are virgins and. dont bleed for the first time have been divorced,suffered from suspicion leading to domestic violence and abuse.

However ladies if you want to no if the hymen is still intact,it can be done through a simple medical examination.

Picture source: google images



But, bleeding is the fasting obvious prove of virginity

Hmm🤔. Really educative 👍

I love this write up that's really true.. I wish all men can read and understand this..

Thanks dear

A friend of mine gv me a lecture on this but she didn't explain with pix. I understand better with the pix.. You rock it! Nice

Thanks dear