Many thanks, I also have an open side to us as a species we have had an impact on the climate and we as human beings have a part of responsibility, another part is given by the sun. Against more information I read about the sun, solar cycles in history etc. I further away from global warming.After almost seven years monitoring the solar activity for work and at the same time by hobby I have realized that these topics are very relevant, not only for us telecommunications companies. Also for the climate, human health etc.
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Indeed, I do wonder what effect if has on the minds of the masses. What is the benefit of a strong and coherent magnetic field on Earth? Or what does it do to our physiology when erratic and weakened? we don't seem to be given much information, if it is even out there.
There are very few scientific studies on this topic. Very interesting topic, that of the frequencies, as how they affect the human being. Earth frequencies i mean.
Actually, if you look into psychotronics, there is lots of info available. :) Problem is, that is not a promoted topic publicly :/

LoL, nice meme. Yeah, It is not interesting to talk about that subjet. We will have to do some post about it at the risk of looking
yeah, not there yet.