Very interesting. I will need to read more in depth on this. I have found that it is also interesting that nicotine and caffeine users seem to have a reduction in developing Parkinson's symptoms. Whether that has to do with the bacteria or is on a more central nervous system level I would have to investigate further. We would have to be careful with mice vs human studies as well. The metabolism of mice is quite different. A perfect example of that would be the old saccharin studies showing bladder cancer in mice but has never showed that to be true with human studies. Great work here sir.
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Indeed the mouse model is far from perfect, however it is an excellent tool for at least providing some evidence that a line of experimentation is worth more work. I decided to write this because I saw several popular science sites writing about it, but they really didn't go into any details. I wanted to try to explain this a bit more than I was seeing elsewhere, provide people with a bit more of a reason to want to look into things further.
Thanks for reading man, I really appreciate it!