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RE: Flat earthers are funny

in #science8 years ago

I don't think he's ego knows a lot. But I too sometimes get tired with the Trump mentions in places where there is seemingly little connection.

Is it any wonder that the U.S. is so divided when each side listen to their own "news" and comedy explain how they are supposed to think and never considers the alternative points of view fully, but essentially resorts to calling the other side crazy? It will be interesting to see how many years it takes for all of this to finally calm down.


We have a direct connection to the Trump via his tweets. I think that's enough to make you wonder about him

It's enough to know he's bad, but sadly enough even his tweets are misconstrued by both media and those seeking to always make things worse than they are. That both confuses and actually ends up antagonizing both sides.

Don't get me wrong, the guy shouldn't be in office. But neither should the left (or right for that matter) wing media be in business.

As someone else has said we can judge him by his acts. Meanwhile his tweets give us a lot of laughs

i disagree...I think he's perfect.

Yeah well :D maybe they'll at least stop ruining the podcasts and comedy shows I frequent once they wake up from their dillusion... Maybe this was the only way.

Btw if you know of any such entertainment that is preferable not "pro trump", but less typical for the American media landscape... please let me know.

I don't watch TV.

Me neither. I have the internet and I listen to podcasts when I'm out exercising. :)

have you read his tweets yourself?

I have and they are entertaining. I hope they will be compiled into a book one day.

A good book I hope.... I have a long list of "comedians" and other famous people whom would gladly write a book, but I won't buy it off them.