Automating The Future

in #science7 years ago



AUTOMATION IS A MAJOR PART OF OUR LIVES. By replacing human labor and intelligence with machines, we achieved a standard of living unknown even to royalty in past times. Automation and its recent partner, cybernation, or the wedding of the computer to production, have unleashed a previously unseen rate of outflow of goods and services. The next step, underway now, adds artificial intelligence (AI), computer programming that simulates human decision-making and hypothesis testing, along with self-correction. AI redesigns mechanical and electronic systems to simulate and improve upon human performance. As exciting as these developments are, they are only the beginning.”

From the book "The Best That Money Can’t Buy" by Jacque Fresco.

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Thanks for sharing to all of you again. Automation for good, to free humanity, I strongly support. The truth is automation alone without a social concept enslave humanity. The social concept how society live together is as much as important as automation.

Great to see a proposal promoting science and technology to the social system!


As far as I know it would be possible to grow in a world where debt is not in existence and the pursuit of taking advantage over one another and growing away from exploiting ourselves in the process to understand the advantage of updating our behavior to find improvement for others and ourselves, the result our current tools will not hurt the well-being of our species but enhance life.

Look forward if possible to interact with my personal AI system to keep track of my ideas to enhance my abilities physically and mentally and help with suggestions to make sure it will be a smooth transition and an enjoyable continues behavior updating. The potential to be much more powerful is just around the corner or keep on the same path and suffer our own extinction. We may or may not make it.
Excited about and it's tools and direction. The following would make more sense I believe if we have investigated it's approach and direction. Efficiency in being more extensional is sexy to me. Arousal in enhancing life and protecting the environment must keep growing if we would like the advantages of unleashing the untapped resource which is the human mind towards problems solving and find that improving ourselves can benefit all the world's people. If we would like our technology to merge with us, the safest foundation to me would be where profits are behind us and no longer necessary and the fruits of innovation would be available for all. An all out effort globally to move in a direction where work, play and improvement are the same and the bottom line being caring, understanding, nurturing and sociability and the university cities run by AI exponentially making us more powerful and not kill us or make patch work but offer and maintain fulfilling lifestyle options. Today AI is used for war and medicine and not for the prevention of behaviors and health problems. As I see it we are much more powerful growing together and pushing for the directing of changing the environment rapidly to avoid future illness with the use of AI would direct the ripples into a future where our energy will go towards enhancing life and ease of finding what interests us would be available to everyone on the planet.

In Extensionality


Automation may make it easier but it may also make things much more complex. We often have the tendancy to fool ourselfs into thinking things are much more simipler then what they really are.