
I found I mostly got bitten when drinking, but you tend to sweat more when drinking so that concurs with your post

I know this too, beer and white wine are particularly bad

Interesting, some friends told me that as well.

Hmm,very scary myth..if mosquitoes prefer people with sweet blood, what about drink or eat something that can make our blood not sweet any more, something like bitter tea, can it prevent mosquito bites us ?..just the way, great share @timsaid..

This is so cool and interesting! Follow you for more!

Thanks for following!

Very nice job and interesting post about mosquitoes. I know someone who was studying the protein composition of mosquitoes mouths (well of the whole proboscis), and I learned more than I wanted to know about the pieces that make them up.

I think we never can know enough right? Knowledge is the key to all doors :) Thanks for your time justtryme90, always a pleasure to see you

Aha...I always believed the myth...The mosquitoes always went after my wife rather than me...I helped perpetuate the myth, telling her it was because she was sweeter. Upvoted!

Hope she doesn't read my post. Keep telling her she's sweet. Women love that :)

LOL...I do!

Yes, it's a horror story! Happened to me twice in the past week. And you can never find the little blighters, even with light or a torch. The first time I got bitten 3 times. Last night I think I must have accidentally hit it while flailing about, cos no new bites.

Did you think about using a spray or something else? If you don't have strong itching I suggest you let them drink your blood lol. You are supporting nature :')

I took one for the team then :-)

Well, I don't know about sweet blood. But having consumed a chunk of raw garlic every day for the last six months or so. I'm looking forward to finding out if that helps. Because I have always been a favorite target of mosquitoes. I have a feeling that it's not going to make a difference. My feeling is that because I'm O positive and therefore a universal donor, the mosquitoes think they have a right to my blood.

Well 0 positive makes your blood precious, I bet mosquitoes love it! :)

All I know is that everyone around me could be getting bit and I'm like, "Why So Serious?"

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?

I must naturally repel mosquitos for I am rarely bitten. I remember going for a nature walk with a girlfriend of mine; she was a walking buffet for them yet I remained relatively bite free. She was NOT happy for neither of us used any kind of repellent but you wouldn't have known by my getting out of there unscathed lol

Did you know that those mosquito swarms we see in nature are mainly made up of males?

No I didn't... but the females are the ones that bite and those are the ones that found my friend ... lucky her lol

For a catchy title, you sure got me in, right away! Thanks for the information, it is well done. Upvoted! All for one and one for all!!! Namaste :)