I wouldn't tell you if I knew we were living under a dome

in #science8 years ago

So I've been to the weird side of YouTube, again, and now I'm wondering whether we could be living inside a crystal ball.

The Tower of Babel

11 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As people moved eastward,[a] they found a plain in Shinar[b] and settled there.

3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”

5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

8 So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9 That is why it was called Babel[c]—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

I don't generally like to make mention of biblical books unless I am criticizing them, and I can find plenty of way to criticize this story, this is one of the first times I remember questioning the goodness of a god that would keep us from understanding each other.

Why shouldn't we be able to do our will? Don't we have free will after all? I was very confused by this story to say the least, I couldn't and to this day can't find a positive message to it.

I try my best not to get too distracted speculating because I enjoy it so I can easily become obsessed for a little while, it's just problem solving the way I see it. But you can waste a ton of time in your mind, neglect other things if you are not careful.

The flat earth videos keep coming up recommended so I've watched a few more of them and now I'm at the dome speculation point. I never gave this one much importance because I don't know that knowing my landscape limits would encourage me much to do anything.

I was born in an island with heavy limitations when it comes to traveling and I can't swim all that well yet. I know a thing or two about claustrophobia, not because I can't be in a small place a long time, I'm actually good at surviving confined spaces. I know about claustrophobia because I could probably ride a bicycle across the island where I was supposed to make my whole word in less than a day.

Who knows what would had happened if I hadn't seen the movie Jaws as a kid? Maybe I would had become better at swimming and taken my chances out of my mental prison by sea.

There's people out there that think we've never left this planet because we can't, I grew up to the idea of astronauts and speculating about other worlds, what if I had spent my time into something else? It's those kinds of questions that make me figure maybe it wouldn't be such a great idea others knew there is nowhere else to go to.

What if there really was a collective effort to reach the top and we actually did? What if we already built a stairway to heaven and realized there's a roof instead?

Maybe the biblical story was true after all. We manage to get up there making great efforts, years of construction, you may have sacrificed a couple of your own children over this mission. When you get there you realize you should had stopped a long time ago, you can either accept you were wrong or turn the blame to others.

It could be that finding the dome up there messed up with our psychology so much that we had to take a walk, haha. Maybe that's how why we started to migrate in a big scale and that's how languages would later develop differently.

But living in a dome doesn't necessarily mean there aren't other domes, a way out of it or somewhere else. So believing in a dome is not necessarily believing there is nowhere else to live. Thinking the sky is a crystal roof is also not believing in the Bible or any Jewish books since apparently there are other spiritual paths that make stronger suggestions about earth looking like this and are unrelated to Abrahamism or monotheism.

Entertaining the possibility of a dome is not entertaining the possibility of a creator or creators. It doesn't have to be a religious argument or prelude to a conspiracy involving alien reptiles. One doesn't even have to believe there's a crystal roof, just some barrier.

Believing in anything but the spherical earth though, that does mean one would have to believe we have been systematically lied to, but very few people believe they are being told the whole truth.

I've been thinking about what I would do if I found out we live in a dome and as much as I love truth, transparency, disclosure, I don't know that I would tell people.

Suppose I can get others to believe me, why would I want that? What is there to gain in telling people we live in a snowball?

There are those out there who think beyond this roof there's water, why would I then risk people feeling trapped and wanting to open the borders letting the water in? What if we break it and can't seal it back?

I'd go to the end of the world for the truth, but would I share it once found? Would you?

While thinking about ways to prove whether there's a dome, I figured we could launch a couple rockets which would explode upon contact. These rockets would release paint when exploding and that would hopefully attach to the roof letting us see it from the ground.

Too much YouTube? Let me know your thoughts!



The truth is unknown, as in we do not even have a mathematical model that accurately describes what the earth could be yet.

For me, the flat earth videos were great for pointing out all the lies about the globe earth. I didn't know there were so many. So many facts added to the pool of my knowledge so I can more properly think out a solution to your question.

The earth, for lack of a better mathematical structural geometry, is a toroid. With the surface of the earth painted on the interior. The trouble is its created from folded space, there is no solid, physical dome.

Or you could view the earth as flat, but the space, that the earth is in, is spiral in each dimension.

Have you ever seen high detailed photos from reflector lens cameras? The turn everything fuzzy into little rings. With normal lenses, they turn everything fuzzy into little dots. How we look at things affects how we see them.

The current theory on the shape of the earth from the ball earth people
is that the earth is pear shaped.

Because there is too much land mass south of the equator.

Sorry, that isn't an photo. It is a composite image, you know, photoshopped together.
NASA said so.

yeah. composites... welcome to block chain. the best part about it? when you are proven wrong it's permanent.

the rocket cut out due to mechanical failure. it didnt hit a wall... at those speeds by the way if an object was hit... it would be vaporized by the force of the impact and there would be nothing left to even look at except for shit raining down. the earth isn't flat, brain function is flat-lining.
facepalm this discussion is not up for debate, why? YOU CANT ARGUE WITH STUPID PEOPLE!

at those speeds by the way if an object was hit... it would be vaporized

Tell that to the people who think two planes didn't get vaporized upon hitting steel buildings and yet managed to pulverize the buildings :p

Nice to see you back and commenting :)

trust me, its a painful go. surgery has me limited on what I'm able to do in one single sitting. I digress some people are real lawnshitters

I say do it like The Hunger Games, have an electrical charged tip on one rocket while the other rocket records and tracks data. Discreetly and Selectively, Not Forcefully.

That's a good idea, yeah. But then you can only tell you hit something, not what you have touched. It is more discreet, yes. The paint is just a way to show it to several people, if we ever wanted solid proof.

Lets compromise and send third rocket with paint? ;)

This is why I probably shouldn't try making a lot of money, I'd end up spending it in stuff like this :p

That other part is about how I would tell people.

Excellent your point of view, very interesting post my friend @ tommycordero
Thank you for sharing this material. The end of the world exists, and this in Argentina we hope

FE is a gateway to some really strange parts of youtube - just wait till it starts suggesting exit hole videos and the sorta theories builderofcastles mentioned ;)

i know some people with exit holes in their head. :) brains leaked right out of their ears.

Watch the air speed in the rocket video. Bottom left corner. Watch it start to drop shortly after the burn is finished. If the rocket hit something solid at that speed, it would have blown up. Debunked.

Haha. This is not for debunking :p
That was the first thing I thought too, that it would have broken.
Just having fun speculating, if anyone wants to prove it I'm offering a way.

Think about it though, maybe we touched the top first...before deciding to spread out and find another exit/entrance.

It's always been hard for me believe these flat earth/dome videos. Half of the time I'm using satellite internet while watching... Then the flat earthers tell me I'm getting signal from towers, so one day I decided to go for a drive and didn't find this tower, because it's not there... and if it was, bumping my dish a few centimeters to the left shouldn't cause me to lose signal because I can drive around in my car and listen to the radio while moving all over the place. Then they'll tell me everyone is involved in a conspiracy, yet a good friend of mine worked for a satellite provider for many years and that guy couldn't keep a secret if his life depended on it.

The video said to debunk it, so I did, in a matter of a few minutes. Just for fun.

That's another problem that I'm having. I too worked for a couple of companies involving satellite and I remember one of them actually showed the employees a video of the routes the different satellites had. Why spend money to show them a satellite launch? Why teach them the satellite parts? Why make them take a test on it?! I don't see this happening in the corporate world, it doesn't make sense financially. If they didn't have satellites up there then why tell the employees to speak about that, why not just have them blame everything wrong to radiation or other climatic conditions?

I guess there could be machines stuck to the dome small enough for us not to be able to see that would be able to bounce off signal, still, it doesn't make sense to spend money showing your employees a satellite launch.

If there were things stuck on this dome, I'd lose signal when the sun moves in front, because according to these people, the sun is within this dome.

When I was a kid, dad bought one of those massive satellite dishes that used to pick up pirated signals. Those moved from side to side, up and down, to hone in on the satellites in space. If the box wasn't programmed properly, there was no way to get a signal at all. Even those guys who were selling "stolen" signals knew where the satellites were. I have trouble believing they'd be in on a conspiracy as well.

okay so if there were a dome over the earth then who made it and why would they make it a dome? so people often scream that nasa is fake because there is a dome over the earth. yet there is absolutely NO SOLID EVIDENCE TO SUBSTANTIATE THAT KIND OF A CLAIM!. there is mounting evidence every day of the fact that the atmosphere eventually becomes too thin at higher altitudes for there to be any air. more over math and science have been on the ball since long before Galileo started making observations with the telescope. more over even the Mayans were able to use math to figure out the shape of the earth and on top of that. why oh why if celestial bodies are spherical would the earth be flat and covered in a fucking cake dish?

Were not living in a dome, we've been to the moon. Unless you think the moon is in the dome too.

Have you seen people trying to debunk the moon landing? The images look sketchy to say the least. Like if it were a movie I'd change the channel because the effects are too bad for me to take seriously. Just the area around where the landing supposedly happened...it doesn't even look like they dragged the machine there, it would look like it was built in place because we can't see the slightest disturbance around.

I could believe we've been to the moon, but there is no way I can believe the footage from the first landing is real.

We placed a damn mirror on the moon, that we can shoot a laser at and detect the reflected light.

We were on the moon. I don't care about what ever wierdos are spending their time trying to debunk something. They are just spinning their wheels, plenty of people try to debunk the truth. The proof is not in the pictures it's in the remnants left behind on the moon.

Like I said, we could have made it there later, but not when we said we did first.
I would agree with you in that we've been there, if only I had seen that mirror with my eyes instead of in the big bang theory.

You can think it's silly all you want, but I think it's healthy people want to see and discover for themselves instead of relying on others.


What about the big bang theory?

I don't think its silly, I think its down right anti-intellectual and symptomatic of one of the larger issues growing in modern society. A distrust of the scientific method and a dislike of those who dedicate their lives to understanding how the world works.

You don't need to see the mirror to know it exists, it has been well documented, and experiments were carried out on it for decades.

I meant I only saw the mirror experiment in this show, called the big bang theory.

Can you really blame people for distrusting what some scientists may say when so many would expect us to believe a skyscraper can be pulverized if a plane hits it? You are acting like there is no reason to distrust, when people have every reason not to blindly believe.

Money talks and people know it, perhaps that's why they want to see for themselves. Again, I see nothing wrong in people wanting to be more involved. Why would scientists not want the public to take part too? Afraid of losing job? I don't know what the problem is.

Politicians are supposed to dedicate their lives to the benefit of the people, representing those who elected them, how is that working out? Same can be said for scientists or any other profession, respect is not to be demanded but earned.

If we just trust information because we are told a scientist has verified it, then we are making ourselves vulnerable to be tricked.