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RE: Ancient Mystique------> Human Cloning Implications and Availability.....Not so Sci-Fi

in #science8 years ago

Brilliant research as always babe.
I sometimes feel were already living in the perceived future and most don't even know it.
Also I don't get the 'elites' fixation on immortality in this dimension.
I'm not religious at all however I can't comprehend eternal nothingness so look forward to the chapter after death.
If there is one I don't want to miss out if not, well it's a moot point really.
Great work AM


thanks as always for your read and support all round, my friend <3

I appreciate your presence in my life ;) <3

@tremendospercy "Also I don't get the 'elites' fixation on immortality in this dimension." Great question and like yourself I'm not religious, but I've thought about this a lot over the years. I've come to the conclusion that the elite's believe in good/evil (well they're a representation of the latter) and are obsessed with immortality as a way of escaping the judgement of God and natural law. A harsh judgement for a lifetime of death and destruction. If they believe this to be true then you can certainly see it would be a strong drive behind this "fixation".