chronic problem with alcohol abuse?So, some of you may be wondering what happened to @trumpman? Why hasn't he posted a weird animal in a while? Why is he only posting about his
Well, from this Monday and untill this Friday I am working double shifts so I lack the time and mental power to write posts that actually require me to do some research. But today they cut me some slack, so get ready for a random mash-up of cool things I learned this week.
On your mark, get set, go:
1. Sputnik: A Virus Within A Virus
You probably already know that viruses are the most basic form of life..actually there is an ongoing debate whether they should actually be considered living or not! Well... what about a virus of viruses? A virus that its only host is other viruses?
Meet sputnik, a tiny little virus, only 50 nm in size, that grows inside Acanthamoeba polyphaga, which is one of the biggest viruses known to human. The discovery of Sputnik in 2008 actually led to the creation of a new term, "virophage", in analogy to the term bacteriophage, used for viruses that infect bacteria. Want to learn more? Click here and here.
2. Researchers have developed all kinds of awkward-looking robots to spy on wild-life
This one gave me a lot of lulz. Apparently, researchers have developed all kinds of spy-robots that try to mimic the looks of wild-life animals, in an effort to record their behavior when no humans are present. The best word I can find to describe these robots is "awkard". Just have a look at this robotic puppy:
Think that's weird? Then have a look at this...
And this...
As expected, sometimes things go wrong, but the end result is still awesome:
3. The World's Smallest Monkey Weights Only 100 g
The animal depicted above is a Pygmy Marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea). I had actually stumbled upon photos of it many times before and I knew it was quite small, but had never actually bothered to check how small. Well, thanks to this newly published paper I now know two things. First, it's the world's smallest true monkey. And second, adults barely weight 100 g!
Reading about the Pygmy Marmoset sparked my interest, so the next thing to do was check what is the world's smallest primate. The answer? This cute little guy:
Scientifically described as Microcebus berthae and commonly known as Madame Berthe's mouse lemur or Berthe's mouse lemur this mouse lemur has an average length of 9.2 cm (3.6 in) and a weight of about 30 g!
This video will give you a better idea of how small it actually is...Easy to mistake it for a mouse or something!
4. Hatching a tiny egg is not an easy job!
If you have the time then make sure to watch this video. It's the story of a man, finding two tiny eggs and trying to hatch them. I won't give any spoilers, all I will I say is that it will make your heart melt!
5. It's Possible To Hatch An Egg Without A Shell
Somehow, the previous video led me to this amazing timelapse of an experiment where they try to hatch a bunch of eggs after removing the shell! You can actually see the chicks growing, and sadly dying, as they all failed to reach maturity:
Do you prefer happy endings? Then this video is for you:
6. Male Brown Antechinus Die From Too Much Sex
The brown antechinus (Antechinus stuartii), also known as Stuart's antechinus and Macleay's marsupial mouse, is a species of small carnivorous marsupial of the family Dasyuridae. As you can see on the photo, they just look like regular mice.
What's really interesting about them though is that males live for only one thing. Sex! And they literally go with a bang!
During the mating season, males begin a two to three weeks long marathon of speed-mating with multiple mates, with each session lasting up to 14 hours at a time! And then they die! A good way to go if you ask me!
7. There is a real-life version of Caterpie
Remember the caterpie pokemon? And its stringshot attack? No fucking idea what I am taking about?
Ok, first watch this mini-clip:
And now meet its real life counterpart, velvet worms:
The End
Ok, time to hit the bet, I have a tough day tomorrow and I am really tired. Please excuse any typos, too tired to proof-read :D
Watching those videos was a really fun break from my usual nighttime activities. Thanks for collecting them for my viewing pleasure.
Seeing your comments is something that really makes up my day. The stuff I write about are things I really enjoy and I can talk for hours about them! Yes your fat upvote is more than nice, but what is even nicer is knowing beyond any suspicion that your comments are 100% sincere, as you have absolutely no reason to sugar coat me, spam or whatever. Sometimes it feels like it's only you and 4-5 people that actually read posts. That's such a sad thing about steemit :(
For nighttime activities though I have another type of videos that I can recommend :D
The bird video was worth the watch, it's cool when you can release something you raised from an egg. All I ever save are kittens and baby squirrels but never together. They are wild enough on their own I couldn't deal with one climbing my leg and the other my neck and head.
Side note: No robot dicks? What did I come to your blog for?
I am making you the top comment because thanks to you I had a brilliant idea yesterday that will either have me muted by all Steemers or make me fucking famous! Win win anyhow!
Well if yu got the idea from me it is hard to tell what public reaction would be. I would never mute you, no matter how many times you attempt my zipper and try to take pics.
Lmao!!! Robot dicks??? Damn..😂😂😂😂😂
Je préfère quand tu nous présentes des bugs ou des trucs bizarres c'est toujours tellement incroyable ... J'avoue que la bière n'est pas mon truc du tout, je ne l'aime pas du tout alors merci de poster les choses étranges que j'aime ^^
That looks like a cute language, probably french ! :D
I prefer when you present us bugs or weird stuff it's always so amazing ... I admit that beer is not my thing at all, I do not like it at all so thank you for posting strange things that I like ^^ @trumpman here is the traduction and you're right it is well french sorry for mistake
Here we go I can tell this is gonna be fun to watch come of these videos. Especially animal Big Brother. Thanks for the post man! Double shifts are a pain in the arse, now you need to drink the next beer of the week.
I am about to start that beer :D
Haha, that's funny. Where are you? Or what time is it there? lmao :p
Almost 3 am here!
I don't know if that's early of late ahah. Im on 13.30 here in Italy. Enjoy the beer, lets us know what you think. Yesterday I had an Italian Pills beer, just gotta find some time to write a review :D
Enjoy, relax, and catch you tomorrow, today or whatever we can refer to it as haha. Nice one dude :D
those robot babies are really lifelike, wow.
Thanks for the share knowledge. But I will like to ask a question. It is about the video on "It's Possible To Hatch An Egg Without a shell". My question is: how long does the hatching process take compared to the incubation period of that with a shell?
To be honest.. I have no idea :D
Great compilation @trumpman. The world smallest monkey interests me. It is almost feather weight.
Hey turspsy :D How's life treating you buddy ? ^-^
Amazing post with a good set of videos @trumpman. I spent nearly one hour enjoying your post. Especially the tiny egg video was extraordinary.
If you are going to come up with such interesting posts, I don't mind you being away for a while from posting. 😛
I'll try to make up for my absence when I am over with the double shifts :D
I've seen a lot of motivation in these videos. Sometimes we do not notice how hard it is to give birth to life and how easily we spend it.

the information you provide is useful to me and others. thank you for sharing the research you have analyzed to be a reference for us in the next study
wait...what??? Dafuq
Now this right here is scary. Lets just hope and pray the nearest apocalypse is still centuries away.