The Stunning Mimicry of The Lichen Katydid

in #science7 years ago

Yesterday, while researching for my "wasp with the ant-like ass" post, I came across what is possibly the most stunning example of animal mimicry:

Th beautiful little monster depicted above is commonly known as the Lichen Katydid, or Markia hystrix David Weller, a wildlife photographer, somewhere in Costa Rica. Here's another one showing this amazing critter in case you haven't had enough: if you prefer the scientific term. A creature weaved by nature itself, as @ruth-girl pointed when I showed it to her! The video was taken by

This unique creature occurs in Central America (Costa Rica, Panama), Colombia and Ecuador. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any other reliable info on it, as the only scientific paper I managed to find resisted all my magic tricks to access it.

So, I will just go with what I found on regular, not-so-scientific sites. 

According to this site, M. hystrix  is a newly discovered species that much like all katydids, heavily relies on camouflage, making itself look like lichens to avoid predation. Scientists assume it inhabits the upper regions of the forest canopy, where lichens are more abundant on the trees. 

As you can see, its body is covered with thin protrusions that further enhance the appearance of lichen. Whether those  protusions have any other purpose is still something we don't know. These little guys appear to be more active in the night and their diet is a mystery. Typically katydids are herbivore creatures but there a few omnivores so it could well be one of those exceptions.. 

And that's pretty much all I could find, although I would love to hear your insight, if you have any to offer, in the comments down below!

So, allow me to close with 2 more pictures of this breathtaking creature:



Oh yeah, almost forgot. Here's an update on my greenhouse unboxing post. As you can see, I thinned the overcrowded basil seedlings and a new baby (dwarf nasturtium, pot in the middle) just started to grow:

See ya tomorrow and steem on!

 Do you love strange animals like I do? Here are some of the coolest weirdos I have featured in my recent posts:


it looks like a grasshopper with influences of a chameleon! amaaazing

Definitely one of the weirdest creatures I have seen in a long, long time! Wish I could see one from up close :(


Not as amazing as me goddamit! I am a super cute monster and I have a fucking eagle too !

I want to ask what do you have a fucking eagle for, but I guess the adjective is self-explanatory. Some prefer sheep, but I guess to each his own.

Never saw it enlarged before! Awesome!

Wow super camouflage

It took camouflage to a whole new level!

Super cool!

Nature at its finest. I've never seen such a creature before :)
Nice piece buddy.

P.S: Your seedling isn't doing bad at all

My seedling says thank you !

Awww. I hope it grows to "groot" :)

Can you get me one as a pet? Please, please, please?

wow!!! interesting animal, it's amazing i loved

Glad you liked it! <3 :D

some great shots there :-)

Wow, it reminds me of a grasshopper dressed in lace, amazing creature. And I still love your publications ^^

So now we know what Katydid last summer and I admit that even though I am not so fond of spiders, she looks amazing, white and all shiny!
Thanks, I enjoyed learning about her : ) (It is a she, she must be)