
I think that's mostly bullshit. Then again, it might depend on the country. In Germany, modern medicine and natural medicine often coexist, there are doctors who specialize in both and then use whatever is appropriate for the given issue.

This is 100% true. In Holland aswell. It gets scary when regular healthcare denies any benefit of natural sources as medicine. The other thing that is even more hurtfull is when unofficial healthcare providers keep really sick people out of the regular system in order to make money.👀


In the USA often doctors are not allowed to recommend "alternative" therapies when there are drugs designed to treat the problem. A medical doctor is literally not allowed to recommend natural alternatives

It’s very saddening to me. I am currently in pharmacy school and I have seen and experienced the benefits of natural medication overseas, yet have not learned any of these applications in school. Therefore self education is important!

Exactly! I've had to do a lot of research on problems I've had in the past to see if the supplements that are working for me have interaction problems with new meds that the doctors want me to take!

Good for you!!! Self-education in today’s world is one of the most important things to do!!

I see. Things can't be in black and white. They can co-exist. This makes sense to me. Thank You!

Medicine industry destroys our health. Particularly, anticancer drugs and fluorine tap water, This is true.

So true. As the meme goes: "100-200 years ago people ate organic unprocessed food and didnt have vaccines and lived to the ripe old age of died in childbirth ".