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RE: Can A Psychopath Steal Your Heart?

in #science8 years ago

Shrek's Puss in Boots. I knew about cats being jerkwads and dolphins killing for lolz but you shattered my illusions for the others x.x

Humans are still animals though. But we "evolved" our society and put restrictions and labels such that our baser instincts are often frowned upon. And yet it's only a superficial one because we're hardly evolved. Still animals pretty much doing things under cover. Like hoarding supplies and starving an entire population to drive prices up. For what? Profit and gain that's to be used for a lavish lifestyle. It's pretty much a version of a dolphin's lol moment. Lions who invade a territory kill the previous lion and its cubs to get the pride. Sounds like a country invading another country in human parallel. When we watch violent sports or bull-fighters, that's close to cats playing with their food (dog festival in china anyone?) But I'd like to believe that we could eventually learn to harness our baser instincts to survive without wiping out the planet. We may all have some inner psychos inside but we just have to learn to either control it or use the energy elsewhere. But yeah, cats are fudging cute even though they're psychos.


We don't learn to become less violent. We learn to become more creative in they way we inflict it.