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RE: f

in #science6 years ago

Interesting Topic. As you said EM radiation with a lower frequenz then infrared light can not damage our DNA because the energy of the photons is to low.

But EM Radiation with lower Frequenzy can penetrate our bodys deeper, so i think microwave radiation can penetrate your head skull. But the frequenz is definetly to low to damage DNA.

For example with infrared light you can not cause a sunburn and also your skin wouldnt get brown, because "Frequenz=Energy" is to low.
UV-A and UV-B radiation can damage our skin and DNA (UV-B more because higher frequenz=higher energy) (melanocytes gets "activated" through UV radiation, because our skin knows it needs to protect itself only against UV radiation)

Suncreams also use physical filters (lower the light frequenzy through scattering) and chemical filters who absorbe the uv radiation.

Great article


It seems you know a lot about this subject. I never really thought about how sunscreen worked.

Did you know aloe vera and sunscreen are classified at the same danger level as microwaves and sunscreen is proba ly worse because it encourages uv exposure.

In most cases em passing through people is harmless except in very high energies.

As far as I know microwaves cannot penetrate the body very far.

The ovens are good at heating water and lower eneries penetrate further. So at the 2.5ghz frequency which is the oven or 4g, a wave will go around 2 cm into your skin. This should be enough to penetrate all but the thickest skulls.
However 5g typically has 20 to 100 ghz and this penetrates 1mm to 0.3mm which will barely penetrate your skin.

The army actually designed a microwave weapon at around 90gh, but it isn't even that dangerous and was considered non lethal.

I just wouldn't want a concentrated powerful beam aimed at my eyes.

Posted using Partiko Android
