If you took the equipment that is in the video of the sun being tracked, and took it to the north pole and tracked the sun, it would still pivot on one axis all the way around. Straight line. It would STILL be impossible for the equipment to do this on a flat earth. Dun dun....DUNNNNN!!!!
If you did that at the south pole, you would find the same result. Hey wait!!! A south pole????? How is that possible?????? And how can the sun stay down there all day anyway??? Hmmm, my conspiracy sense is tingling!!!
interesting that with all those scientists down there we don't have any proof like that.
sayz you!
yes. yes I do.
But you say many incorrect things, why should I believe you in this instance?
you just parrot MSM. why should we believe anything you say.. ever?
If what I say is true, it doesn't matter one way or the other what the media says. I have never claimed anything because "that's what the news says" anyway.
Quit poisoning the well.
you are poison.. literally. you literally never disagree, you literally never discuss, you literally never have anything to say that isn't mainstream.