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RE: Worm holes- the sad existence of a path impossible to travel.

in #science8 years ago

Excellent post, but I disagree with you and the establishment on one key aspect.

I believe that Blackholes are actually quantum entangled to a Whitehole in a parallel universe. If all theories of Quantum Entanglment are correct in that they entangled part has exact opposite properties then the exact opposite of a Blackhole would be a Whitehole. Furthermore if a Blackhole sucks in all matter, light, energy, etc. then it's opposite would expel that matter, light, energy, etc.

Now the reason we do not witness any Whiteholes is because the massive density of a blackhole actually breaks the barrier of space/time and creates a parallel universe in which the Whitehole forms and wallah "the big bang".

If I am correct then every single Blackhole in our entire universe leads to a Whitehole in a completely different universe. Meaning there are millions upon millions of universes parallel to ours and each of them with millions upon millions of parallel universes as well.


opposite in regards to spin etc. I understand the multiverse theory and most forms it takes. Why need a connection to another universe when the answer is in our own?

Only a partial answer is in our own. There are thousands of areas of space that have been discovered that are emitting massive amounts of X-Rays but no light of any kind, suggesting they are blackholes. If their opposite (white holes) were present in our universe there would be Big Bangs happening constantly that we could observe.

xrays are a form of light

maybe, maybe not there seems to be some debate about that as well....but I meant to say "visible light".

X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, which visible and ultraviolet light are also forms of. They are both composed of differing energy photons... but x-rays are not a form of light.

If A = B and C = B does not mean A = C.

"debate about that as well" it is a higher energy photon. White holes would collapse instantly on themselves. We have had no proof of interaction with other dimensions and thus no reason to believe that is the only possible explanation

That's a cool theory! Those created universes would be exponentially smaller than our's if that is true...