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RE: Does Aluminum as an adjuvant in vaccines cause Autism? New article provides solid evidence it does! (Spoiler: No, it doesn’t)

in #science7 years ago

After years of reading these scientific reports I have finally concluded that :
People intellectual capacity is simply insufficient to understand accumulated scientific data.
Logic is not known and not understood. Humanity is suffering from chronic lack of time. Because of that problem many capable are not developing their potential. This article is simply lacking of basic logic that is all


This is officially one of the weirdest comments I have ever read. People "lack intellectual capacity to understand accumulated scientific data"? Logic is "not known and not understood"? Humanity "suffers from lack of time"?

What kind of alternative, bizarre universe are you living in?

Well i said what I meant.
I meant logic as a process of thinking is not understood.
I think that you have problem with logic constructs and drawing conclusions from them.
There is a lot of fallacies in conclusions that is all

But don't get me wrong I don't think in bad way. People can improve them self's and logical thinking

what? The paper or this steem post? You are pretty unspecific in your claims...

chill out man

I'm pretty chill, you are just talking nonsense ;)

not really I wouldn't agree with you

that is fine :) Your opinion means little to me so I can live with you disagreeing. Just don't put your opinion out as a fact ;)