
Integral to the depopulation program and agenda 21! :-)
9/11 conspiracies were getting stale, so Trump decided to up the ante with this one haha :D

I thought Trump was an Avenger, here to save us from the two party system :-P . Cause he's so obviously a selfess guy hah hah.

I was worried you took off, I hadn't seen any of your posts for a while, but it might be cause I'm drowning in such an overactive feed now.

I'm really curious about your take on the conspiracy theories, do you think they are all trash or are there some you think are on to something? I can't really tell how sarcastic you are being :-D

Selfless! Haha. I almost shot coffee out of my nose when I read that. Hilarious.
As far as conspiracies, sure no doubt the governments of the world do criminal shit. As far as the chemtrail, chembow thing, well we have NASA broadcasting a rocket launch to create rainbow clouds. Shoving it right in our faces. Haha. Even admitting the chemicals that the conspiracy theorists have ranted about for years are actually being used, but spinning it to say, they're safe chemicals because of the altitude. :D
Spin control works for the masses. As far as 9/11 conspiracies, I was a responder there and still not sure what happened. Never did believe the official story. Both Saudi Arabia and Israel have benefitted from the wars of terror, so we have those two paths to choose, and of course, the most popular, inside job theory. I say, follow the money. And I just don't know who was behind the 9/11 attacks. We will probably never know the full story. 9/11 is our generations "JFK."

P.S. I am an entertainer not an activist. I try to laugh about everything. Laughter makes us think about serious issues.
Guys like, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have made a fortune sharing their truth in a way we can cope. I am inspired by that sort of approach to negative and serious issues. Plus, SNL is funny again! Haha. Comedy probably creates more positive change than we realize. George Carlin changed me, that's for sure. Have a great day, my friend! :D