What a wild ride to catch up on your posts!
This was a noble choice but I think it was right for you to quit when you did, especially considering the management style. You can't save the world but you made it a little better.
It's really strange; I know four doctors and none of them seem worried about it. A customer of mine is a general practitioner who says "It's just a flu and the panic is doing more damage than the virus." My neighbor is a pediatric pulmonologist at Mass General Hospital who just shrugged and said, "Yeah, there's a few cases at the hospital but it doesn't affect my patients because they're young." (Which surprised me, because they have other risk factors like cancer.) Her husband is a cardiac surgeon who took a week off. And my buddy who's an ER physician, his husband posted pictures of him on Facebook relaxing in his pajamas at home.
Oh, and the pulmonologist wouldn't stop talking to me from like one foot away! I was sitting in my car and she kept leaning into my window. (No mask.)
Meanwhile the hospital parking lots are all empty.
I really hope this thing doesn't turn out to be as bad as they say, but maybe the front-line people are geared down now because they're saving the strength for when the virus really goes exponential.
Well, one of my classmates is a nurse and she says it's awful.
There aren't many people (yet) who need intensive care, but the ones that do? They're fucked. Absolutely fucked.
And there's not much PPE for the healthcare workers, they have to improvise in many cases.
I am surprised your four doctors are so lax about it, it's a bit worrying.