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RE: All Hail The Conquering King: The Unstoppable Earthworm

in #science7 years ago

I learned more about earthworms in the last five minutes than I'd known in my entire life. I've just enjoyed feeding them to my chickens. I had no idea they were introduced by colonists just like the European honeybee.

Now, that honeybee seems like a wonder-animal. Are there any environmental side effects from the European honeybee that you're aware of?


They're indiscriminate pollinators, so they'll go after about every flower, native or not. That means they pollinate both native and invasive plants. Their ecological record is considerably more mixed than most invasive species.

Now, that is interesting to consider. I hadn't thought about their role in spreading all the poison ivy and bittersweet vine around our place.

Seriously, if poison ivy was a cash crop, I'd be a millionaire.

If you have any neighbors with goats, goats love to eat poison ivy, and it doesn't harm them at all!

Funny - I just heard about a woman who rents out her flock of goats to clear out brush and shrubs. We may end up hiring her!

It's a good investment, so long as you keep them out of stuff you want kept alive!

I was thinking about this while I was on my run, and remembered that poison ivy seeds pass intact through the digestive system. The goats might just end up re-planting all the plants they removed! I wonder if I could get the goat people to put diapers on their livestock and then incinerate the waste (or at least take it off site).