Science: Who told you, you cannot quit marijuana addiction šŸ˜”

in #science ā€¢ 7 years ago

Hello guys, great steemians today Let me introduce you to this intellectual article on addiction, mainly smokingšŸš­.
world wide, people has struggled with one addiction or another, but today join me as I talk about marijuana and how to conquer its addiction.




 Cannabis popularly known as marijuana,  it is gotten from the dried leaves , stems , And seeds from the cannabis sativa or cannabis Indica . 

This certain plant called cannabis is planted for medical or recreational use but in our present world itā€™s been abused and used wrongly, it is said to be a phycoactive drug and produces tetrahydrocannabinol shortened as (THC), one of the 483 compound known in the plant.

what is THC ?
THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, are those chemical responsible for marijuana highness or phycogical display. THC stimulates cells in the brain to release dopamine which leads to creating euphoria according to NIDA . With this THC released in the brain cells it then affects the way information is been processed and passed out in the hippocampus, this part of the brain is responsible for forming new memories.
Intake of THC could lead to so many phycoactivites such as :

  • Hallucination, delusion, elation, anxiety, short term memory recall issue , etc.

"In some cases, reported side effects of THC include elation, anxiety, tachycardia, short-term memory recall issues, sedation, relaxation, pain-relief and many more," said A.J. Fabrizio, a marijuana chemistry expert at Terra Tech Corp, a California agricultural company focused on local farming and medical cannabis. However, he said, a study in the British Journal of Pharmacology found that other types of cannabinoids, as well as terpenes (compounds that produce flavor and fragrance in plants), and can reduce negative effects.


Slangs/other names for marijuana

Scientifically marijuana is called cannabis which from there has originated to Different ways people from different cultures has names the so called cannabis to different names such as:

  • Sativa

  • kush

  • Arizona

  • loud

  • Skunk

  • Papi J

  • Fish head šŸ˜

  • Weed

  • Ganja

  • Splif and many more.

     With different names also comes with different grades of marijuana mentioned. Meaning different marijuana has different grades, there are the high grades and low grades, depends on how addicted you maybe, the chronic ones always go for the high grade.   

10 signs of Drug addiction
Before we carry on, first of all when I stopped, I first by acknowledging the fact that I am addicted . With you embracing this fact you are addicted, then you seek guidelines on how to control such urge.

Here are the 10 signs to look out for :

  1. Marijuana tolerance or withdrawal
    Marijuana and any other drug leads to tolerance for it, meaning you need to keep on puffing same high grade kush to feel at same high. You needing more of this same grade kush makes you build more tolerance for it, means you needing it more and more, makes you very addicted to smoking.
    After you discovering that highly intake of kush, then maybe you try not smoking anymore, you would notice your body fighting you, thatā€™s feeling uncomfortable for no reason . šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø
    This happens when you take in substance such as nicotine to the brain, the šŸ§  get use to taking such drug, but When you stop smoking, the brain has to adjust to it not having that nicotine and thatā€™s whatā€™s called withdrawal , this could be hard for the brain to adjust but with time maybe up to a week or 2 weeks, but be warned it could come hard and thats when sometimes you might just slip, this means you falling for the brain tricks and going back to smoking. But as I said earlier, with time you would start feeling better and okay, stay busy and strong .šŸ‘Œ

  2. Consuming more marijuana than intended
    This is when the brain try tricking you to smoke more than intended, for example :

  • when you try getting weed,
    And at first you decided you just want to get a blunt, but getting there you seen the weed, you start thinking šŸ’­ to your self ā€œlet me just get few extra blunt and keep it for tomorrow, so I donā€™t walk down here tomorrowā€ , and later that night you ended up smoking all blunts .

    You have to know when the brain is trying to make you smoke more šŸ’Ø and thatā€™s a definite example to show you are addicted, take notes šŸ“ of this .

  1. Unable to stop or reduce the intake of marijuana
    Okay letā€™s put up a test, I challenge you to not smoke tomorrow šŸ¤”. If you fail you are addicted to marijuana .

  2. Most of your time are spent on highness
    If you spend your day on thinking šŸ’­ ā€œwhen next will i get highā€ , after many smoking sections. That is a red flag to show addiction .

  3. Missing schedules
    Maybe after planning out your schedule and all, you end up missing it due to the fact maybe you are hanging out with your friends smoking or even on your own smoking not minding you have an appointment.
    Even if you reduce your activities just because you are doing something associating with highness, then itā€™s a sign of addiction.

  4. Continuing to get high despite what problem it gets you
    This is what makes marijuana dangerous to ones social life, because it causes self sabotage. For example :
    Maybe in college you are told not to smoke unless you face been expelled from the institute and that came as a warning after been caught the first time, but still your brain comes up with tricks telling you things like ā€œ next time be carefulā€ or ā€œ next time donā€™t smoke in this location, smoke elsewhereā€ and then you kept on smoking. Thatā€™s self sabotage you know and According to National institute of drug abuse, that is an addition .

  5. Using your problems as excuses to smoke marijuana
    Yes, itā€™s true that marijuana helps you clear your taughts and make you feel less stress. But please donā€™t also be fooled by this things, for more you think thatā€™s the only way to cool off more you are getting addicted and wanting to smoke when any little problem comes your way. For this takes reality away from you little by little, so donā€™t be fooled by the brain tricks.

  6. Depending on marijuana to be creative or to feel relaxed
    Maybe your trying to relax and your still not getting that comfort and you feel like itā€™s because you havenā€™t gotten high thats why, or maybe your trying to write a musical lyrics and you are not flowing well and you think ā€œoh, maybe is because I havenā€™t smoked yetā€. My friend your addicted to marijuana.

  7. Choosing an activity or occupation or maybe a relationship based on whether or not you could still get high
    If you start choosing things related or if it somehow links to marijuana, meaning you picking your events or choosing who to hangout with, even by choosing ur occupation based on whether or lot you could get high as usual, then itā€™s a case of marijuana addiction .

  8. inability to attend daily responbilities without getting high
    If you have to attend any event or even go to job and you start your day by getting high before any other activity, just know your addiction level is at the peak and you need urgent help .



Now let me knowledge you on how to quit Kush addiction šŸš­

   This are techniques people all over the world  has used and has come out to confess it helps, am a living witness too.  šŸ¤­


word of advice from me to you
Remember its all in your brain and mindset, so itā€™s your decision to make not anyone else , do it for yourself, if itā€™s not adding to you then why keep it .

Here is my pattern I discovered online :

  1. knowing why you want to quit
    You knowing why you need to quit could help you mentally to fight the urge when it kicks. You also how to know why and what are the reasons that made you want to quit smoking such as :
  • Health wise .
  • Financial wise.
  • For family sake maybe .
  • Children or maybe future sake .

source 824E282E-CE75-42DF-BEA8-F20A4363F705.jpeg

Want to look, feel, and be healthier
You making this big step and quitting marijuana would reduce the chances of you sustaining things such as : hearts attack, heart disease, stroke and many more.
Wonder why your skin doesnā€™t look healthy itā€™s because of the marijuana you puff, you quiting takes your blood pressure low, less cough, and having the ability to heal quick whenever sick.

want a better lifestyle
Making your mind free, as you engoy not worrying about when, who, where you would smoke next . Considering the fact you not wanting your family smelling like smoke or even your cloths smelling like smoke, and the fact you want to be enjoying your wife meal to the fullest, or better still spending money and quality time with your kids or loved ones. If you really consider all this a better lifestyle why not make the decision and quit .

**If you really desire a happy and healthy family **
Donā€™t you want your children to be healthier and you wanting this, you have to keep them away from second hand smoke , which is deadly to the little ones and also pregnant ones.
Making your familyā€™s proud is it not worth everything and every reason you need to quit smoking.

  1. Knowing your Triggers :
    this is that situation where you find yourself vulnerable, whereby you get the feeling or your body starts fighting you to smoke marijuana, itā€™s calles the smoking trigger.
    Different people different kind of trigger, To somebody it could be stress, after sex , location, when partying or after partying , it could after smoking cigarettes, it could be when one is ideal, and so many more .
    So you have to take your time and know who, when, and what triggers that feeling of smoking ganja.
    Most triggers fall into this category, which are : emotions, pattern, Social, and withdrawals.

  2. Emotions

    Most of the people that smoke, smokes when they have intense emotions. For example :
    Maybe been ideal and bored your brain begins to remind you how good it felt when you where high.

Different emotions such as :

  • Stress
  • Boredom
  • Anxiety 
  • Bad mood or even feeling too excited 
  • Loneliness 
  • Having fun and etc

How to deal with emotions

  • Talk about your emotions to a family member :
    You telling a trusted one in your family that you seek advice from, could help you out figuring the way to go about it, trust me it helps a lot .

  • Always take deep breaths :
    Learn to take deep breaths in kind of situation you find yourself, it gives the body reliefs and making it calm, less moody, less stresss, just feeling better .

  • Exercise :
    Always try jogging or even going for walks. Doing exersice helps the brain from releasing Endorphins. Endorphins are those chemicals that makes the body feel good. šŸ˜Ž

  • listen to calming music .

  1. Pattern
    This are your daily activities that you connect with smoking, so when doing such activity it triggers that feeling to get high .
    Different patterns such as :
  • Before going to bed
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Watching tv 
  • After eating big meals 
  •  Operating your phone and etc . 

How to deal with pattern triggers

  • Find a subtitute :
    Purchase a lot of sugar free gums, suck on a straw maybe , just find something to make yours mouth busy at all times, this isnā€™t you making a substitution for your smoking habits to something less harmful.
    Some people make substitutes by blowing shisha .

The picture above is a shisha pot, which is harmless according to this source, with this been harmless and fun at the same time, one could also use this as an alternative to quit marijuana .

Am not trying to encourage the habit of blowing shisha, an only saying itā€™s a good alternative to quit marijuana for the ones addicted .

  • Change routine :
    Try doing things at different time, maybe like the time you brush your teeth, try watching television while your eating to keep you distracted from the usual way, it could help trust me .

  • Try new activities:
    Go for sky diving , go for long strolls with friends or a family member that doesnā€™t smoke , hangout more with familyā€™s members or friends that dosent smoke and etc . Just get your self moving at all point never try staying ideal .
    Try keeping your hands busy maybe by squeezing a ball, do needlework and etc .

  1. Social Triggers
    The urge to smoke would build when you are in some kind of environments such as the bar , or even staying around where you see people smoke could trigger the urge, such as going to the concert, simply in a Lit (turned up) environment, šŸ•ŗšŸ¼ Then that urge build and this is a very hard urge to overcome .

How to deal with this social trigger
If you are really dedicated and willing to quit, you have to stay away from such company for the moment. Donā€™t play your self rather tell your friends not to smoke around you and have keep away from smoking environment . šŸš­


  1. Withdrawals
    Well from What I explanined earlier on withdrawals, you should know that when you start going through such process after quitting smoking . You would start facing withdrawal triggers such as :
  • Craving the taste of a cigarette
  • You would develop the habit of doing something with your mouth or hands
  • Smelling cigarette smoke from no where, but remember itā€™s temporarily and you could also try nicotine replacement medication.
  1. Reasons you want to quit


    This will help you know why quitting this act will yourself and people around you .
  • Itā€™s been discorven that 20minuets heart, blood pressure drops šŸŒ”
  • 1-9 month your would prolly cough less, breathe easier
  • You having a 1year risk of coronary heart disease cut in half.
  • Do you want to leave the life of having 2-5* years risk of cancer of mouth, throat, esophagus , bladder cut in half, while stroke is reduced of that of a non smoker .
  • 12 hours carbon monoxide in blood stream drops to normal .


Long term rewards
Quiting could help you in long run by adding extra years to your life. Most people that quit smoking before clocking the of age of 40 could help grow over dying to smoke related disease, so be smart, take control of your life and stay smoke free.
Over time you stop smoke, you get your self far away from lung cancer , chronic bronchitis, emphysema, heart disease , and like 13 other more, and most important of all to keep your family safe from second hand smoke

  1. Second hand smoke
    This is more about how this habit affects the family , loved ones, people close to you in general .
    You quiting would make your family ones feel better , happier and even healthier about you, this could be a good reason to consider .


Dangers of second hand smoke
In this way you could hurt your family ones health without even knowing. šŸ˜”
Second hand smoke are those smoke that we exhale while smoking. Those smoke are been combined with the smoke of a marijuana and the breathe of a smoker and this smoke after been exhaled it stays on the air for some periods of time before it clears.
Health effect of second hand smoke such as :

  • Breathing problem such as cough, extra phlegm wheezing, and shortness of breath .

  • for the non smokers inhaling this could put them in harms way such as heart attack , and maybe ealry death .

  • While to the pregnant women inhaling second hand smoke could stand the chance of having babies with low birth weight.

  • Children exposed to secondhand smoke are more exposed to such diseases like pneumonia, bronchitis, ear infection, and are at highly increased risk of infant death syndrome .

    Except from the fact you hurting them health wise, it could affect them socially, such as : 
  • Not having enough money to spend on love ones .

  • Not spendings quality time with family and related ones .

  • Setting a bad example for the little ones . 

children who are rised by smokers are More likely to become smokers.
So Ben smart .

Guess what ?
We could run a quick quiz and you would know how addicted you are right now, thanks to SmokefreeQuiz . Common letā€™s do it .

  • for more guidelines and tips please kindly visit . You are never too old or too Young to quit smoking .


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I found this working to help control an addiction: