What is the actual color of the Sun?

in #science7 years ago


Many would say the Sun is yellow, or is it? Most of people thought in kindergarden or even earlier to draw the Sun yellow.

Color of stars

Different temperature stars emit different colors. All stars emit all colors but they peak at one of them, it depends on surface temperature.

ClassSurface temperature (kelvins)Color
O> 33 000Kblue
B10 000K - 30 000Kblue white
A7 500K - 10 000Kwhite to blue white
F6 000K - 7 500Kwhite
G5 200K - 6 000Kyellowish white
K3 700K - 5 200Kyellow orange
M< 3 700Korange red

Suns surface temperature is 5 778K and is class G which means it's yellowish white.

Does this look like yellowish white to you?

Or does it look yellow when you look up in the sky? (don't do that, its not healthy)
Actually Sun is yellow when you look at it from the Earth. If Sun emits white light, as it passes through Earths atmosphere blue light is scattered. Which is the reason why the sky is blue. And if you subtract blue light from white you get yellow.
As seen here.

If Sun is white, then what is that glowing orange ball of death you see everywhere on the internet?

Most images of Sun were taken by Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft. SOHO spacecraft can only detect 17.1 nm, 19.5 nm, 28.4 nm, and 30.4 nm wavelength light which is far less than human eye can detect (390 - 700 nm). The reason they chose those wavelengths is because they correspond to the wavelengths emitted by ionized iron and helium, meaning it can capture details in the sun's corona that would normally be obscured by the visible light in the photosphere. Images taken by SOHO spacecraft are then colored red, green, yellow or blue, so we could observe different things on Suns surface easier.

There you go, you were lied to your whole life. :/


I don't know about lied to, but certainly deceived by our own perception.

Nevertheless, nice post. It's amazing how many people don't know that the sun is white. You did a great job explaining why the light that reaches us makes it appear yellow.

Thank you, positive comments means a lot to me.

You're welcome, keep up the good posts :)