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RE: Arabidopsis Thaliana - A Model Organism

in #science7 years ago

As a biologist, have you looked into the discipline of biomimicry? I ask because in talking to biologists, they often have fantastic, in-depth research on a given subject, but they don't know what to do with it. Biomimics on the other hand are usually desperately searching for the biology to inspire their designs. There is a growing demand for biologist in biomimetic design.


The focus of my studies is genetics. Not very specialized, as it's just for a Bachelor's degree so we learn a lot of other stuff too, but it all ends with genetics and genetic manipulation.
Biomimicry is a fascinating subject and I don't yet know if I will encounter it in my future professional life, as I currently plan on going more into the biomedical direction. But you never know!

I have met several professionals that use the biomimicry design process in biomed applications--they actually go quite well together. If you have the chance to take any biomimicry classes while you are in a school, take advantage of it. If all goes well, looking to nature and using nature's principles will become the standard way we innovate!