Global Warming, Myth or Reality?

in #science8 years ago

What is the biggest contributor to rising global temperatures? It is neither changes in the Sun, or deforestation, or even volcanoes. According to available data, models and calculations people and their high production of greenhouse gases are responsible.

I really global temperature increasing? []

The greenhouse effect is a physical phenomenon that represents a kind of "trap" on the outside coming energy.

How would seem by name, this is not something unknown - surely everyone knows how effective such. Ordinary garden greenhouses. Nevertheless, the heating of greenhouses based on a totally different principle than global warming. While in the first case the walls of a greenhouse retains the warm air inside the building and prevents the mixing of the air-cooled, in the second case works the whole atmosphere as a two-way mirror - dismisses fairly good solar radiation hitting the Earth, but much harder allows countries thus resulting heat is radiated back into universe.

The greenhouse effect itself is nothing bad, quite the contrary. Without it, there will be no life on Earth life because the average surface temperature would be about 34 ° C lower - all will be freezed. The greenhouse effect is not capable of all gases, but only some. Typical "greenhouse" gases are e.g. water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), ozone (O3), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). It always depends on the concentration of these gases. For example, dense atmosphere of Venus, which is composed mainly of CO2, reheated surface of this planet for hundreds of degrees. Thus marking the current warming of the Earth as the greenhouse effect is inexact, you are more apt to use an already established concept of "global warming."

British Met Office maps sea temperatures since the mid-19th century. Although measurement methodology changed over time, but due to the correction of the computing giant was HadCRUT database that maps the model using a special annual temperature anomalies over the last 150 years - the area where the temperature jumped or dropped considerably below the normal annual average.



Oh please... Dont... Just dont buy this lie about manmade global warming...
People dont believe the Earth is round, but in this crap?
Get informed, get thinking: