No More iCar. Apple Restarts Project

in #science8 years ago

Under the name "Titan" is hidden new gem in Apple portfolio - autonomous car which has to beat Tesla and similar models. But "New York Times" wrote, that all project was restarted od worse, canceled.

iCar concept []

From the development of all new car remains only development of separate parts. It all started when Steve Zadesky had quit for personal reasons (before that he worked for Ford as designer). Now it has to be restarted, but nobody knows what project Titan will be at the end. There are hundred of specialists working on it, so it can be very promising.

But this is not for the first time that Apple managed to stop and restart the development of new technology. Similar difficulties arose also the first iPhone. Currently heads project Titan Bob Mansfield, who previously held the position of chief of the main hardware development.