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RE: Priestess

in #scifi3 years ago

Oh, I love this!

You know I'd love to know where you find your inspiration. I mean, I know you've said Sci-Fi but is it from particular books or movies? Also, your images remind me of Salvadore Dali so that's got me thinking about which artists have inspired you.

I find the words you attach to the images enticing. They are a teaser to something more.

I wonder what my friend, @insaneworks, thinks?


Definite Salvador Dali vibes now that you mentioned it. The colors, texture and the overall style is like from an old, 1910 to 1930's underground Sci-Fi movie poster. Which I absolutely love.

Really nice work @dystop303!

As a fellow artist, would you be able to give any pointers to @dystop303 as they've only recently joined Hive? x

Sure, I have couple hints that should help dystop303 get more visibility.

I think @dystop303 your art would be perfect for a group called Alien Art Hive. --> Your art truly is wonderfully alien and weird (which I love) and as you also sell NFT's it's exactly what the Alien Art Hive is about. Go and join it and next time you post, post it to the community.

Also it will definitely help if you if you open your art making process a bit in each post. If you don't have process photos, you can just write what you've done or what you felt when making the piece. You can check out the Alien Art Hive posts from other artists to get an idea on what to write about.

That group has a lot of ways to help artists that have just landed on Hive like Discord group, virtual gallery and social media connections and it may take a while to get to know everything there but it truly is worthwhile.

I wish these couple ways help you get started so that many more people get to see your art because it's truly wonderfully weird and amazing!

Oh, thank you @insaneworks. I really !Luv how you've shared so much.

@dystop303 there is so much fun to be had within Hive and the best of it is the community/communities you get to find and explore while making new contacts and friends along the way. 💛

Thank you. I didn't have anything particular in mind. Sometimes I just like to see where my intuition will take me. Of course I like to combine styles when I can, indeed there's a little Salvador Dali in every one of us.

I like that.

there's a little Salvador Dali in every one of us.

I suppose there is.
Following intuition is the creative way. I wonder, is it the same
for a visual artist as it is for a writer.

Good point.