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RE: Movie Science: Star Wars' Kessel Run and the Akkadese Maelstrom

in #scifi7 years ago (edited)

Great post and I agree with the science.

But question: If The Summa-Verminoth could not live in space, how did the giant octopus live in space in the recent Guardians of the Galaxy?
Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 7.57.38 am.png
Is this Hollywood pushing science too far source?

Speaking of firing bolts, I thought it would be cool if just one movie (besides Gravity which is "non-fiction space") shows someone firing something, a gun or lazer, and then having them fly off in the opposite direction (keeping real forces, not "the force" real). That would be perhaps a cool future post (real forces in space). Great post have a great night!


The giant octopus monster from Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 was actually from another dimension, not space!

Out of this world! That is a very very good point!