Tweets about Supreme Court Nominee Hearing

in #scotus7 years ago

"Judge Kavanaugh’s kids had to be escorted from the room due to hecklers harassing them. Just when you thought the Dems couldn’t get any lower... " ~
Ryan Fournier
Verified account

Chuck Schumer Led Conference Call To Plot Disruption & Chaos At Kavanaugh Hearing ~
Jack Murphy

Tom Fitton
"An air of violence, intimidation, & lawlessness as a result of leftist disruption at Kavanaugh hearing-- this ought to be disturbing to all Americans. Thankfully, @RealDonaldTrump's pick almost certain to be confirmed--another victory for the Constitution and the rule of law." ~ ‏Verified account @TomFitton

"Judge Kavanaugh was not responsible for the Parkland school shooting that killed my daughter.

@RobertwRuncie, FBI, and Sheriff Israel are.

Judge Kavanaugh is a decent man and should be confirmed.

Stop weaponizing Parkland to advance a dangerous political agenda!" ~
Andrew Pollack
‏Verified account @AndrewPollackFL

James Woods
"What’s beautiful about the #Kavanaugh confirmation hearing is that a) he will be confirmed and b) #Democrats will once again show voters what a mob they are at heart. #DemocratMobRule #VoteRedToSaveAmerica" ~ ‏Verified account @RealJamesWoods

"Democrats' Kavanaugh Tantrums Are An Embarrassment" ~