
You can use the following commands:

  • balance - displays your current wallet balance
  • address- displays your deposit address
  • withdraw <amount> <address> - withdraws the amount of SWIFT to address
  • tip <username> <amount> - sends the amount of SWIFT to username
  • terms - displays terms and conditions for using @swiftbot

@swiftbot balance

You have ⚡10000 SWIFT (unconfirmed: ⚡0 SWIFT).

withdraw 1000 Sa9HYznzdwL6KV8TPypLbeWA6NF4zmZHkA

@deanliu: ⚡1000 SWIFT has been withdrawn from your account to Sa9HYznzdwL6KV8TPypLbeWA6NF4zmZHkA. You have been charged ⚡0.01 SWIFT withdrawal fee. Transaction c8b0fa60a0b965377cfe39271cf256544fd4b82b1ee6a23a9533b5b90c46765b is now completed. To monitor the transaction status click HERE.