SEAPHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST - WEEK#5 - Theme announcement...!




This Week the proposed theme is:




Windsurfing, kayaking, kiting, surfing, swimming, paddle, sailing ... we are always on the water to practice our favorite sports activities and we come back with children's smiles. This week I propose you to post on this article your most beautiful photographs on the theme Sea and sports.

Windsurf, kayak, kite, surf, natation, paddle, voiliers... nous sommes tous les jours sur l'eau pour pratiquer nos activités sportives favorites et nous en revenons avec des sourires d'enfants. Cette semaine je vous propose de poster sur cet article vos plus belles photographies sur le thème Mer et sports.



The winner will be announced this weekend and will earn

*** 5SDB ***

An honorable mention will be also announced this weekend and will earn

*** 1SDB ***



1- Post your photograph in response to this article.

2- Upvote this article.

3- The photographer must be the author of the photograph he presents. Any attempt at plagiarism will be denounced and its author blacklisted the contest. NO PLAGIARISM!

4- Present your photograph summarily indicating the place, the exif, or any other information that the photographer will judge useful. English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic, Marsian, all languages ​​are accepted. However, an English translation in a parallel column could be used for everyone ...

5- The photographs can be submitted from Monday to Friday midnight.

***THAT'S ALL !!!***



On the other hand, if you publish on your blog photography highlighting the sea whatever the theme choiced, and using the tag **#seaphotography** as first tag, you can have a chance to see your work upvoted and presented on my blog.


Please, see the full guide lines here

I will annonce the winner of WEEK#5, and will present my favorite #seaphotography, this week end...! I can not wait to enjoy your photographs. Thank you for participating.


The winner will be the one who will have the maximum of your Upvotes


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Freediving the clear blue waters of the Philippines is a wonderful way to reconnect with nature. The vibrant coral dropoffs offer many great freediving opportunities!

Nice representation of Apnea ! Great!

Small waves are better than no wave. Especially with such a Sunset. (Cap Ferret)


Surfing, yes ! More time waiting for the wave than surfing no?!! Great photo !

Well, the waiting was long, the waves were small. But, it was nice.

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I love nature, the feeling to dive with a Whale Shark was one of the best in my life. It was in Oslob-cebú(Philippines) After weeks traveling I arrived there, this was the place. I loved it!!! <3

Loving this wild selfie!!
Training to be a whale? X)
Buen trabajo!

Nice! But which sport is it?!!

Hello @marc-allaria, it is snorkeling, you use the mask and snorkel and as you is possible to go underwater, quiet similar to apnea and free diving.

Amo esa paz que se siente al estar sumergida, foto tomada en sardina (Gran Canaria) un lugar magico para darse un chapuzon, ademas de mucha vida puedes encontrar un faro undido

Nice diving photo. Thank you for participating.


Sea and sports.
For me scubadiving is a great way to relax and explore the beautiful ocean. This picture is taken in The Red Sea, during a wreckdive.

Nice photo of diving, congrats !

Thank you for participating.

Thank you for creating this great contest

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Father&son sailing in Mauritius.

Laser was my first steps for sailing ! Thank you for participating.

Yis! That a cool theme for the week and a tricky one. Thanks for this contest.

Ok ! So, I'm waiting for your photo !

Dive Boatesand mode of transport to work. Sealife, dive life


Thank you for participating.

no problem. Its nice to have a theme to think about

Summer is a great time of the year to go snorkelling in Mallorca. We headed to Bunyalbufar on Mallorca's west coast. The water is crystal, really warm at this time of year but you do need to be careful of jelly fish as they give a nasty sting.11174781_10155616359500411_8714896886253426003_n.jpg


Ok nice ! Which sport is it ?!!

This photograph is of the paradisiacal beach of Dominicus in the Dominican Republic. Ideal place to perform different water sports, such as sailing, which is the most practiced and preferred by the inhabitants of this area and tourists. Although it is not the best photo, I share that passion for the sea and I like to capture in an image every ocean that I can visit.


Thank you for participating. Nice place.

Hola @marc-allaria ,esta es mi foto fue tomada en playa Conoma en Puerto la Cruz ,estado Anzoategui,Venezuela en vacaciones escolares ,en ella se puede observar a mi hija y mis sobrinos en un imflable ,en donde quería montarse todos a la vez divirtieron mucho,esta es una playa muy visitadas por los anzoatiguenses ,saludos espero le haya gustado mi toma

Hello @marc-allaria, this is my picture was taken in Conoma Beach in Puerto la Cruz, Anzoategui state, Venezuela during school holidays, in it you can observe my daughter and my nephews in an imflable, where I wanted to ride all to the time ... hehehe ... they had a lot of fun, this is a beach very visited by the anzoatiguenses, greetings I hope you liked my take

Is it a sport?!! Thank you for participating.

Hola ok gracias,te invito a pasar por mi blog para contar con tus apreciaciones,saludos