Do You Know The Feeling?
Do you ever have those days when moments from your past come crashing into your consciousness? It feels almost surreal as if you are literally back in the moment experiencing it all over again. This morning was one of those days where I began reflecting on past experiences and moments in my life. I am naturally a bit of a thinker and often spend time pondering over numerous thoughts, ideas and outcomes. Remembering the years that I lived in a rather well-known seaside town brings back some great memories. Jeffreys Bay is a little "surfer town" along the Eastern Cape and is known to have one of the best waves in the world.
A beautiful morning in Jeffreys Bay!
No, I am not a surfer, especially since the sightings of sharks are on a constant rise. If you are perhaps a really good swimmer then sure, but I think I would become a quick breakfast was I ever to encounter a shark out in the depths. J-Bay is however fairly quiet outside of season and requires a certain type of person to appreciate its unique beauty and charm.
A penny for your thoughts?
I use to live a few hundred meters from this bench and would often take a flask of coffee over with me for a morning muse. This particular beach is not a surfing spot and would most mornings be deserted. Just the blue horizon and my coffee.
A Healthy Habit
People sometimes say that one should never look back but cherishing good memories helps to enrich today, in my opinion. What do you think?