Help for Allergy Sufferers

in #seasonal8 years ago

Here is a little piece of information that I recently discovered, quite by chance, about treating my symptoms of hay fever. I have been living with seasonal allergies for more than 30 years, and they became much worse since I moved to south of France about 12 years ago. Though I take homeopathic drops, I still have to take antihistamines for about 2 months out of the year.

However, this year, I noticed that my allergy symptoms were markedly different! The only thing I had been doing differently was using a dry sauna. I had started using the dry sauna, part of my fitness club membership, about a month before the season began. When allergy season started up, and I started to have allergy attacks, I began increasing my visits to the sauna, and adding a little more time; I began alternating between 5 minutes in sauna, 5 minutes out of sauna, for about a total of 20 minutes.

What has happened seems nothing less than miraculous to me: My allergies have completely subsided, No sneezing, no sniffling, no itchy eyes and, best of all, no medicine!

So, if you suffer from hay fever as I do (did, perhaps I should say), please try this a.s.a.p.

I wish you well!