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RE: The Founder of The Secret Writer Reveals Her Broken Heart: Romantic Love Is A Lie

in #secret-writer9 years ago

Yes, my use of the term narcissist is a bit obscure here. I mainly meant someone who may not openly brag about their beauty or how great they are, but they may be a person that everything that happens around them really only matters as part of their show. It is a vague and really wiggly concept I am trying to describe, but I think you know what I mean. I think you referring to yourself as a Muse was one of the things that made me start thinking along this path. I think you were likely right. You indeed were a muse. Sometimes that can be a positive experience IF you are aware that is what you are bringing to the table. It can be quite a different experience (like yours) when you do not see that as what it is, and are thinking it is more.

Emotions are a useful tool at times. The challenge upon all of us is to not let them control us, and actually learning to tell when they are useful and when they are detrimental. That is a constant struggle I think. If it isn't in you, then I tell you it is something I am still continually learning and having new realizations about.