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RE: SECRET WRITER: Liberating Prostitutes From Pimps

in #secret-writer9 years ago

Liberating Prostitutes From Pimps

You listed the common players in this industry -- basically anyone willing to look the other way while a human being is being exploited. Those with a financial incentive ( the pimp, the prostitute, and other enablers of the flesh trade such as "law enforcement'. Unfortunately some would think of this as a victim less crime but crime statistics often mention other crimes associated with prostitution. Crimes such as robbery , assault, and sometimes murder.

Once decent neighborhoods can quickly decline as the level of human misery increases. Other than the tolls taken on those exploited such as sexually transmitted diseases and psychological problems many are prey to the wolves in society. Children and the elderly can become victim by those seeking to exploit the misfortune of runaways and the elderly who can't pay bills or find enough money to pay for food.

Human trafficking is a sick business and those who actively participate in spreading this misery deserve swift and definite retribution. The woman in the gif flicking her finger seems to be in a catatonic state, powerless and availed for exploitation. Mentally she may be in her own world mentally disassociated from her actual reality. Maybe I read too much into the photographs .Just my thoughts, Ron.


from reading stories about women who get involved in the sex trade, most are psychologically scarred and try to get out. Usually, they resort to drugs to numb their realities. That's how I see prostitutes, sort of numbed out humans. You read into it, the way I edited it, telling the story from the prostitute's perspective, like a mirror of their reality, as I see and read about it.