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RE: SECRET WRITER: I Dated A Registered Sex Offender, Part 1

in #secret-writer9 years ago

Wow such a powerful story. I'm tearing up for this guy. I'm going to share this to some other friends too. Everyone has their own struggles, so it makes me mad when people just immediately assume that someone is more privileged. It's all an illusion. Society has conditioned us to assume that a good looking guy is privileged, but that is an egotistical judgmental perspective. Studies show that money does not buy happiness beyond a middle class income. It's all about the mindset you approach life with. Beautiful plot twist. Glad that this girl followed the whole story rather than jumping to conclusions. Keep up with the good work! It's these types of stories that can spread mutual understanding. I can't wait to see what twists part 2 brings!


But did she jump to conclusions? What will part 2 reveal? Does it have a grisly end to it? What is the truth? We won't know until part 2 is submitted. it's not submitted yet.

Double plot twist would be crazy! Mind = blown

i know!!!! Maybe this is a new art form! Having REAL stories that the world has hidden away, only to be revealed through the Secret Writer! Maybe everyone submitting their secrets must take a vow and promise it is a secret. But actually, a really good story is quite difficult to pull off. That's why most writers suck. If someone was able to pull off a really really good story, then I think they should get rewarded for it. Can you imagine? People would be arguing if its real or not. This could be the next cool and hip way of communicating....THE TRUTH which most of us have never heard from others before.

Good work @stellabelle, good work.