Aren't we all just Muses for men ?
You taught each other important things at the time . I am sure he loved you .
I am lucky in some ways that I fell in deep and mad love at least once and never fell out of it but we never worked things out . Our souls never left each other though. Those intense moments we spent together passionately will last a lifetime .
We both built our lives with other partners far away from each other . That's true LOVE ? Maybe. Eternal love for sure. We probably met once before on some planet and will meet again on another.
Our daughter is now 22 . She chose us .
The kind of love I search for is self love !
Love for our planet , causes and fellow sisters who need nurturing .
Reading most stories , I feel the "secret writer" is your baby and it will help so many giving a hand out of their cocoons. That's REAL LOVE worth to live for . 🍷