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RE: SECRET WRITER: The Day I Made Love To Two Different Women

in #secret-writer9 years ago

Well, not exactly. As you can see from the story, he acted on his sexuality. He took a risk by talking to the girl on the bus and was attentive to her needs (the part about him reacting to her having a bad day, etc.). He sort of made himself open to possibilities by asking her if he could walk her home. The asking part is crucial because it gives the girl an option to choose or not. It makes it voluntary. People like choices. Giving others choices makes you a secure, fun person.
He didn't force himself on her, instead, he asked her a question which she could have said yes or no to. Also, it appears from his story that the bus girl was the one to make a move on him, and you have to analyze why this occurred. People, both men and women, can sense when someone is open to possibility. It's like a hard-wired thing in humans. While I think cheating is always a bad idea, for some reason, hearing it from this perspective made it seem less bad. In an ideal world, I think the man should have confessed his cheating to his girlfriend.


Not saying that this is based on a true story, but I bet stuff, like this has happened before. If I look at it from a single persons point of view, it looks like this dude won the jackpot. If I were to look at it from a point of view of a person who is in a relationship it's really bad, that this happened. It all depends on the point of view you take on this story. Still I'm jelly because this dude gets double the ass from riding the bus than I get.