in #secrets4 years ago


“The fuck’s wrong with you Jaxon! You know I’m going out tonight, I cant watch Jace!” Her voice was raised. She looked livid; but as I looked from her to him, I could see that he was way angrier.

His jaw was clenched as he looked at her trying to reign his anger in. He rarely displayed anger in the presence of their 4 month old son Jace. As I stood there I wished the floor would swallow me up. I didn’t want to be a witness to Gayle and her husband Jaxon’s arguments.

Gayle Cooper was my godmother, but she didn’t have one motherly or wifely bone in her body. How the fuck did she end up with a man like Jaxon Cooper? And a child? I swear he was the sweetest, sexiest man I’ve ever seen. Gosh I hope no one could tell that I had a huge crush on him. He was tall dark chocolate with the deepest pair of dimples and the grayest most soulful eyes I’ve ever seen. He had the kind of eyes that carried earthquakes that could shake mountains; and right now the storm brewing in their depths looked like they could crumble the Blue Mountain range.

I really wish I didn’t have to be in their space, but Gayle offered to allow me to stay with them to offset University boarding costs. Gayle and my mom were best friends in high school but my mom got pregnant with me at a really young age while in school and had to drop out. With her family against her and an absent baby father, my mother moved to the country to have and raise me. We didn’t have much, but Gayle whose family was well off stuck by her childhood friendand helped to support me. My mother and I were really close, in fact, many thought us sisters. I was determined to work hard to repay her for all the sacrifices she made for me. After traveling from St. Thomas to my university in Kingston all through my first year and second year, it became costly and started to adversely impact my grades and GPA. I loved my Banking and Finance major, but I wasn’t able to put in the necessary hours of studying I needed with all the traveling I had to be doing. My mom asked Gayle if I could stay with her in Kingston where it would be easier to commute and in return I promised to assist with the baby. Gayle was happy to have me come because with baby Jace being only three months old at the time, she welcomed any help.

I’ve been here for just a little over a month but I tried my best to keep scarce. I took over from the housekeeper to care for Jace when I got home in the evenings. He was such a sweetheart with his fathers dimples and his mother’s caramel skin tone and her brown eyes. When Jaxon got home, he usually took over from me, urging me to study. By the time Gayle got home, Jace would already be tucked in and sleeping. I usually fed and changed him throughout the night or Jaxon. We would often bump into each other running to his nursery with sleep in our eyes to his piercing screams. I would often turn away with an embarrassed apology with my head down trying not to look at his sexy bare chest or his pajama pants hanging low on his waist. He made my mouth dry every time I heard his voice and he did unspeakable things to other parts of my anatomy when I was anywhere near him.

Gayle was hardly home. She was a Public Relations Executive, a job that consumed much of her time; and Jaxon was the CEO of the island’s top telecommunications company. In my estimation they both worked hard, but though I loved Gayle,I hated the way she treated her family. Why have a baby if you’re not ready? Why get married? In the one month I’ve spent with them so far I have not seen Gayle spend more than 5 minutes with Jace.

“Gayle, I would thank you not to use such foul language in the presence of our child.” His voice was calm but the storm was raging in the depths of his eyes.

“What’s more important than spending time with your child? I have to work.” He continued calmly his eyes not leaving hers.

“I have an engagement tonight.” She said nonchalantly as she walked pass him toward the stairs of their house. She barely looked at him and she certainly didn’t look at baby Jace who was playing happily with his toys in his playpen.

“Jax a you did want baby. Now you have him.” She continued up the stairs, her hips swaying with each step, running her hand through her Peruvian weave. She was was confident, beautiful, sexy and she knew it. She was my godmother, but I couldn’t help but think how selfish she was in that moment.

“I can look after Jace.” I said quietly not meeting his eyes.

“No, I don’t want to burden you tonight Roxy. Don’t you have mid-semesters? You need to study.” His voice sent shivers up my spine and moisture sprang in the petals of my untouched pussy.

My chest rose and fell with each deep breath I took to calm my raging hormones. “No, it’s no trouble. I’ll be up anyway. I’ll take him to my room, if you don’t mind.” I still couldn’t look him in the face. I don’t think I ever have.

“Yea, that’s no problem. Are you sure?” He asked sounding a bit relieved.

“Yes, I’m sure. No worries.”

“Thank you. If you need anything I’ll be in my office down here, ok? I have a few overseas conference calls in Tokyo and Singapore. I’ll come get him as soon as I’m done.” He walked over to where I stood by Jace’s playpen and reached in lifting his little body hugging and kissing him. I closed my eyes and steeled myself against the smell of his Armani aftershave and cologne. ‘Fuck!’ I breathed in my mind. He wore a navy suit with white shirt opened at the collar revealing parts of his perfectly toned chest. The chest that has been haunting my dreams since I walked through those doors a month ago.

I looked up at him as he handed the baby to me, time froze and my breath caught. His eyes were so tender as he smiled at me. I looked away quickly hoping he couldn’t see the longing in my eyes. I immediately became self conscious about how I looked. I was certainly no Gayle. I couldn’t dress the part or act the part. Not only was it purgatory to want my godmother’s husband but he would never look at someone like me. Jace was the closest I would ever get to him and he was never more than cordial and courteous toward me. I held the baby close and turned toward the downstairs guest room where I stayed.

“Roxy, I’m sorry you have to witness the arguments between Gayle and I.” He was apologetic. I stopped but I just wanted to scamper out of his presence. I became overly self conscious of my big curly messy hair, old jeans and oversized t-shirt,though I was grateful they covered my body. I hugged Jace to my body like a human shield reveling in the feel of his chubby arms around my neck.

“It’s no worries. I’m just grateful to you guys for having me here. Anything else is none of my business.” I didn’t look at him as I spoke. I felt like a traitor for wanting him.

“Well I’m sorry non the less.” He seemed a little unsure of himself. I almost smiled at how cute he looked in that state.

“Come get me if you need anything.” He said then he walked away. I couldn’t stop my eyes from traveling the length of his body as he walked away, something I’ve done over a hundred times. Those broad shoulders, that sexy ass and long wide legs. Tell me this isn’t the epitome of perfection! The man had my knees weak! As I walked toward my room cuddling Jace, I wondered what went wrong with him and Gayle, they were both so gorgeous. I was happy to cuddle and play with baby Jace, I didn’t want him missing out on motherly hugs and kisses. I really hope Gayle eventually snaps out of whatever it is that’s going on. I also needed to snap out of this infatuation and focus on my goals. I couldn’t wait for the upcoming holiday so I could go home, see my mom, and also put some distance between myself and the forbidden. I was going to land head first in hell with the kind of thoughts I was having of my godmother’s husband.

As I settled Jace on the bed and started gathering my books my phone stated ringing.

“Hi mommy.” I answered on the second ring opening the video call screen. She always wanted to video chat so we could see each other.

“Hi baby. How things?” She asked staring into the phone. I know she hated being away from me as much I hated being away from her.

“Everything ok. Was just about to start studying with my partner.” I smiled and turned the phone camera on Jace who was gurgling to his hands.

“Hey baby Jay!” She called excitedly. He looked at the phone and his chubby hands grabbed for it blowing baby bubbles with his spittle. He started pouting when he didn’t get a chance to grab the phone so I gave him a toy to appease him.

“Him sweet eeh man!” She continued looking wistful.

“He is such a sweetie pie I could smother him with hugs all day.” I said smiling, my infatuation momentarily forgotten.

“Try nu get nu ideas enu miss. By the way how come you have him at this hour? Gayle or Jax nu reach home yet?” She asked.

“Long story.” I rolled my eyes remembering Gayle’s attitude toward the baby and Jaxon.

“What’s going on, Rox?” Concern was etched on her beautiful face. I always thought my mom was the prettiest woman in the world.

“It’s nothing mommy, but I promise I’ll tell you about it another time. I have to start studying before Jace wants to cuddle and sleep.”

“Alright...” she responded reluctantly. “Talk to you tomorrow. Love you, baby.”

“Love you more.” I ended the call quickly and grabbed my texts. Settling next to Jace I started reading trying to block the images of what I’d like his father to do to me from my mind.

I must have fell asleep snuggling Jace. In the deep fogginess of sleep I heard Jaxon calling my name. My eyes fluttered open and his face was so close to mine in the dimly lit room, I could feel his breath on my face. He was gently shaking me awake so I could let go of Jace’s chubby body. After he had started fussing close to his bedtime, I did what he wanted and cuddled him close. He burrowed his little body into mine until he fell asleep in my arms and I must have knocked out too. I wanted to throw my arms around Jaxon’s neck and push my own body into his. His body was stretched over mine, not touching, but it felt like he was touching me. My breathing became shallow as my entire body became flushed with need. My eyes moved from his to his lips. My lips parted as the need to taste his was so palpable I hoped he didn’t notice.

What they don’t know...

“Hey. I’m sorry I woke you.” He said softly. For a brief moment his eyes went to my lips, but it was so fleeting it could have been my imagination. I carefully unwrapped my arms from the baby so as not wake him, but to make a hasty retreat lest I be found out; but in my haste, my body bumped into his rock hard body. I always felt so clumsy around him and this was the first time he’s been this close to me.

“I’m so sorry Jax. I was just trying...” words failed me when he closed his eyes and clenched his jaw.

“I didn’t mean to...” the rest of my apology was swallowed by his lips. It happened so quickly I was in shock and didn’t respond at all. My mind was telling me that I was dreaming, but as his lips slowly moved over mine so undemanding the reality jolted me that Jaxon Cooper was kissing me, mousy Roxanne Foster.

By the time my brain registered what was happening, he stopped kissing me but his body was still over mine and his breathing was just as labored as mine.

“What the fuck am I doing?” He whispered and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry Roxy, I was just...please forgive me.” He moved away quickly and I jumped off the bed trying to calm my rattled nerves. My mind could not for the life of me formulate one coherent thought pass the fact that his lips were on mine. He gently scooped up Jace and I watched him walk out of the room without another word.

I looked over at the lamp at my bedside and it said 2:30 a.m. What the fuck just happened? I touched my lips with my fingers not believing, though I could still feel his soft lips on mine. I knew it wasn’t a dream. He really did kiss me. He looked just as shocked as I was. Did this mean he was attracted to me too? Or was it that he was lonely because Gayle was ignoring him? But still, he could get any pussy. Look at him! He was perfect in every way. Yea he was older than me,but he was also younger than Gayle. I didn’t care about age, there was something about him that was drawing me to him; I don’t know what it was and I doubt very much that I cared.

I turned on the room light and sat on my bed. My mind was trapped in a heated vacuum of arousal. I took up my book and stared at the words and figures but I was bombarded with a truck load of feelings. My nipples were tightening and my pussy was jumping uncontrollably the more I thought of the possibility that he wanted me. I closed the book with a snap and stood. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I wish he’d come back. I wanted to ask him what the fuck just happened. Woo lord I needed some ice cold water to cool my hormones. I rushed to the kitchen and stopped short when I bumped into him pouring himself some vodka.

“I’m sorry...” I stuttered, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. He was still wearing his suit minus his jacket. “I need to get some water... I didn’t know...”

“Roxy, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done...” words started rushing from his lips like a teenager.

“Why?” I cut him off. I wasn’t sure if I was asking why he kissed me or why he’s sorry. God help me but I didn’t care, I wanted him to do it again.

“I don’t know...”he blew out a frustrated breath. “Why do you look at me the way you do?” He turned the question back at me catching me off guard.

“What way?” I turned away from him. “Don’t know wha you a talk bout.”

“Rox I’m a man, and I can tell that you’re horny as fuck right now and it makes me want to fuck you against this kitchen counter.” He whispered.

“What?!” I gasped and turned around quickly to berate him, but instead I found myself being lifted unto the kitchen counter. He held my waist and stood between my legs, my hands clung to his shoulders to steady myself. I was mesmerized by his lips so close to mine, I could feel his breath on my face.

“What... are you...doing?” I breathed shakily, my eyes stuck on his lips.

“The way you’re looking at me now. It makes me want to do stupid shit.” His lips came a little closer. I had only to bend my head a little and my lips would be on his. I was lost. I was way pass caution and reason, I wanted to feel.

“Why are you holding back?” I breathed. His fingers gently held my chin and lowered my lips to his. When our lips met, I knew there was no turning back. I had an outer body experience as a deep moan escaped my lips and he took the opportunity to delve into my mouth, taking all, leaving no stones unturned. I didn’t recognize the moan as my own nor the feelings that were coursing through me. My first real kiss and it was all I imagined it would be. His lips moved slowly over mine, giving me the opportunity to savor the feel and taste of him. My arm went around his neck pulling him closer to me as our tongues danced to the tune we created.


He groaned and it brought me back to reality.

“We can’t do this...” I was breathless, my lips still against his. My arms were still wrapped around his neck molding his body to mine. There was very little room for him to move away.

“Tell me to stop and I will,” his lips moved from mine to my jaw and down my neck. His hand that was at my waist had also started roaming. They ran down my body caressing my curves through my t-shirt and I bit my lips to silence my moans. When his fingers brushed the tips of my breasts, my eyes rolled back at the sheer pleasure that shot through my body like a bolt of lightening. He pulled at my beaded nipples and I wished he would kiss them. I wanted his lips everywhere.

“You are as soft as the petals of a rose. You make me want to do some really sinful things to you.” His lips had made their way back to mine and he bit my bottom lip gently and I couldn’t stop the moans that came from the pit of my stomach.

“Believe me Roxanne, I want nothing more than to draw your nipples into my mouth and nibble at the tips; or to spread your legs really wide and feast on the juice that I know is now flowing from your beautiful pussy. I want to give you pleasure beyond your greatest imagination but I can’t... We shouldn’t do this.”

“Do me a favor, Rox, stay as far away as you can from me. Wolves bite and I really don’t want to hurt you; and I can’t promise you I can keep my distance or for how long.” He said jolting me back to where we were and who he was. His hands stopped moving and he moved away from me.

‘Wait, what?’ My mind was whirling in confusion. He must have seen the confusion on my face. He closed his eyes for a second and lifted me from the kitchen counter placing me on my feet and all I could do was look at him. I didn’t trust myself to speak, in fact, I didn’t know what to say it was happening so quickly.

I didn’t know what to feel as he spoke staring down at me from his 6 ft. vantage point. Did he just come on to me and was now rejecting me? I pushed away from him angry at myself for believing this was really happening, that he really wanted someone like me.

“You have some pussy raasclaat nerve! Why the fuck did you touch me?! Why yu couldn’t just leave well enough alone?! Don’t fucking come near me again or mi tell yu wife pussyhole!”

“Rox...” I didn’t wait to hear what he was about to say. I ran back to my room a ball of hormones and emotions.

How could he be so cruel?! He knew he didn’t want me so why touch me in the first place?! I knew it was too good to be true. So many times I longed for those lips and hands and when they finally came it was a hoax! Of all the men in the world why did I have to want my godmother’s husband?! He was ten years older than me and there were other guys from school, so why was I saving myself for him? How long had he known? If he saw it, then it was possible Gayle saw it too! I wanted to go home. I didn’t want to be in this kind of drama. Gayle obviously didn’t love him, but that was not my business. I was angry and horny. Tears filled my eyes as I curled on my bed thinking about how the night could have gone. I would have given myself to him so easily, no questions. I was such a hypocrite to lash out at him when I wanted it probably more than he did. I still did, in spite of his blatant rejection.

My only alternative was my vibrator, Jax-3000. I walked to my chest and dragged it open rummaging through my clothes to find where I hid it. It was shaped like a small wand with a metal tip and seven speeds. I slipped off my cotton pajamas and my t-shirt and climbed under my sheet. I felt sensual in my naked state and wanton with my toy in hand. It buzzed to life as soon as I touched the button. With the soft buzzing in my ear, I closed my eyes and imagined I was back on that kitchen counter with my legs spread wide and his body wedged between my legs. I placed the tip of the vibrator on my straining nipple and I let out a sharp gasp as the cool metal touched my skin. I slid the the vibrating tip down my chest, on to my belly and into the crevice of my navel and body automatically arched off the bed. His face was clear in my mind, those grey eyes looking deep in my soul as I moved the vibrator lower.

“Fuuuck!” I gasped as juice gushed from my pussy with the first touch. The cool metal sent the electric current through my body that had me biting into my pillow, yet I still felt like I was bereft of something. I needed to feel his lips, his tongue, his fingers, his dick. Sleep was going to be difficult tonight. I was a bad person, I wanted my godmother’s man…

“Good morning Roxy,” Gayle greeted me the next morning with a big bright smile. She was always so happy despite her home that was falling apart; in my mind it was anyway. She was dressed in a royal blue pant suit and white camisole; quite the contrast to my thigh length jeans skirt and tshirt. She was ready for her day with her edges laid and her cup of coffee. At least I took the time to brush out my curls today in a nice ponytail down my back. How could she look so flawless when she went out most nights and didn’t get in until the wee hours of the morning? Baby Jace was sitting in his rocker smiling and stretching his hands as soon as he saw me. I walked over to him and kissed his chubby dimpled cheeks.

“Hi Gayle.” I looked around and breathed a sigh of relief when I didn’t see Jaxon. Ms. Shirley the housekeeper was already there in the kitchen fixing breakfast with her earphones in her ears, a mechanism I think she uses to block out the bickering between Jax and Gayle.

“You’re looking cute today. How’s the studying?” She asked focusing all her attention on me. Did she know what happened last night? It made me a little uncomfortable.

“Thank you, Aunty. It’s coming, I guess,” I eyed her cautiously.

“Don’t call me that. Have you met anybody yet, Rox?” She hated when I called her ‘Aunty’, she said it made her feel old. Her question caught me off guard though. It seemed out of the blue. I stopped short on my way to the fridge.

“What do you mean?” Now I was super wary.

“A guy. Don’t you want a boyfriend?”

“I’m not interested in that right now.” I lied looking everywhere but at her.

“So you plan fi make yu good good pussy dry up pan yu?” She asked smiling. My eyes widened and she laughed. “Yu kno how much man wudda love a touch offa da virgin pussy deh?”

“Gayle!” I exclaimed embarrassed hoping Ms. Shirley couldn’t hear her.

“What? Mi jus a say yu a pretty pretty girl and yu pussy need fi get wet up. You ever see a cocky inna real life?” I could feel the flush spread from my roots to my toes.

“Gayle really?! The baby is right there!”

“Wah? Afta him nu know wah we a talk bout.” She started laughing harder. I shook my head at her because she was crazy.

“Alright mi done. Mi wi drop you off at school today and pick you up. What time you finish?” She calmed and changed the subject when she saw how uncomfortable I was.

“I finish at 4 today. I plan on studying with my partner Jay bear.” I smiled and looked over at him and just as I did my eyes met the stormy grey eyes walking in the room. Time stood still as we stared at each other. I could smell him from where I stood, the overpowering smell of Georgio Armani and man. I could still feel his lips, his arms, his body against mine. His eyes roamed my body, as if committing every detail to memory. My breathing changed as my clit started knocking.

“Will you be ready soon?” I turned away from him quickly. I needed to leave.

“Yea let’s go.” Gayle stood picking up her briefcase she walked over to Jace and kissed his head, then she walked over to Jaxon and ran her hand seductively over his chest lingering over his nipple. I couldn’t help the pang of jealousy that shot through me. I grabbed my bag and rushed through the door to wait in the car.

My day went by in a daze of horniness. I was so turned on I could barely concentrate in my classes. I was lucky my very perceptive friend Sophie was out for the day. She knew about my crush and she would have picked up immediately that something was different about me. My nipples were permanently beaded and my pussy was sodden. Maybe Gayle was right, I needed to be touched. Maybe if I tasted something else I could move pass this thing I had for Jaxon. My pussy was jumping out of control since he touched me. There were so many men, why him? I was green with jealousy when Gayle touched him so seductively, and that was beyond wrong.

By the time Gayle picked me up on campus, I was wearing a fixed scowl.

“Why the long face? Wha happen to you?” She asked as I dragged the silver Range Rover door open and got in.

“Nothing. Just tired.” I murmured. I couldn’t look her in the face. I kept my eyes straight ahead.

“Mi know exactly wah you want. Yu need some good hood. There is nothing that some good dick cyah fix!”

“Gayle, I’m not...”

“Yes Virgin Mother Theresa!” She cut me off. “Mi know you say you nu interested but hear me out. Mi ago carry you pan a ends wid me, but me nu wah you say nuttn to nubaddy not even yu mother.”

Now this got my attention I turned to look at her. “You want me to lie to my mom?”

“No, not lie, just don’t say. Mi nu want har fi say mi nah look after you as promised.” She said seriously.

I scoffed at her. “But you are taking care of me.”

“Yea but let’s jus say she wouldn’t approve of this. Just trust me nu Rox, mi nah do nuttn fi put your life in jeopardy.”

“I know you wouldn’t, Aunty .” And I really did. She was crazy and selfish but she did take care of me. “Fine. Where are we going?”

She smiled broadly as I conceded. “When we get there you’ll see. And stop calling me that word!” She put the car in gear and drove off. She was crazy but she was a good person. And that made me feel even worse about wanting her man the way I did.

“Wait, if we go out who’s gonna watch Jace?” I asked suddenly remembering my Jay bear.

“Jace have a fada, Rox.” She rolled her eyes. “You’re so attached to him.”

“No I’m not! What makes you think that?!” Fuck! How did she know about my feelings for Jax.

“He’s a baby, Rox! I don’t see why you feel di need fi spend so much time wid him.” She continued oblivious to my defensive attitude.

“He keeps me up when I need to study.” I added quickly fixing my misconception.

“He’s a baby that poops and eats. I don’t know how you concentrate with him.”

“Aunty he’s a sweetie pie...” she cut me off.

“Don’t call me that!”

“Sorry sorry! But he is a sweetheart though.” I can’t believe I was defending Jace to his own mother.

“I know he is.” She smiled looking wistfully.

I sighed silently as the relief that she didn’t realize my faux pas swept through me.

We drove through the city and beyond the city limits and I let myself relax and enjoy the ride. We stopped at a small cafe and had dinner. Gayle still wouldn’t tell me where we were going. When we pulled up in-front of what looked like a club, I looked over at Gayle.

“A club Gayle? Really? So nu club nu de closer to home?” I looked at her trying to hide my annoyance. I would have much preferred to be with Jace or side staring at Jaxon.

“This is my place. Listen before we go in,” she touched my hand. “Remember your promise, you don’t have to do anything and you may need to drive me home after.”

“Uh?” I was confused.

“Don’t worry Rox. Relax and let’s go,” she gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, then she opened her door and got out. We came out she handed her keys to a lone valet outside. It looked like a secret club. We walked into the club, the music was loud and there were people dancing seductively on the dance floor. We walked through the throng of people toward the back and through a set of double door. The sound of loud moaning and groaning hit me before I saw the couples, their naked bodies locked together in the red light. I gasped softly as I looked through the large windows at a tall dark skinned man with two girls. I was enthralled. I couldn’t stop staring at them. His hands were all over the girls. His lips latched on to one’s breast and his hand went to the other inserting two fingers into her pussy. She was writhing on his fingers as he stroked her. Her moans were so deep I could feel them straight to my core. They changed positions and he lay on his back and one girl slid down on his dick and the other sat on his face. Fuck! I was horny as fuck! I wanted some of that. I could feel the dew springing from my pussy, I knew who I wanted and all I could do was wish.

“Fascinated?” Gayle whispered in my ear smiling. I couldn’t look away and I didn’t trust myself to speak. “Come with with me. I’ll let you watch.” She winked at me, took my hand and lead me down the hall to the last door.

“Sit in here,” she brought me in a room with a sofa in front of a window showing the next room where I could see a tall caramel skin guy and a girl in a red wig, a black leather boots and carrying a black whip. ‘Pussyclaat, Gayle could not possibly be thinking about doing this!’ My mind was screaming, though I knew what the answer was.

“Hold a seat.” I sat like a robot squeezing my thighs together to hold down the pussy jumping. I licked my lips and swallowed a couple of times trying to reign in my horniness.
When Gayle left the room my eyes went to the window. The girl in her leather knee high stiletto boots ran the whip down the guy’s chest, then she slapped the bulge in his brief and it grew even bigger. She was naked except for her boots. She moved closer to him and he grabbed her ponytail and drew her head back his mouth descending passionately on hers, his tongue delving in her mouth and playing with hers. I closed my eyes remembering Jax’s sweet lips on mine.

When I opened my eyes his lips moved from hers and was trailing small bites down her neck. She still held the whip and she was rubbing it against his dick. The door opened and Gayle walked in dressed in nothing but red knee high stiletto boots. Fuck! She was so fucking sexy! Full perky breasts, small waist, wide hips, round ass. Why was she here doing this and not with her gorgeous hunk of a husband? Why was I looking at my godmother about to have a threesome? I couldn’t take my eyes off them. They both turned to her when she walked in like a queen B. The girl with the whip produced a pair of handcuffs and pushed Gayle on to the bed. She climbed on top of her cuffed her wrists to the bed then her lips descended on hers. Gayle was at their mercy as the girl trailed kisses down her body, sucking at her nipples while caramel king held her hips and feasted at her well shaved pussy.

I know I should feel awkward watching her, but I couldn’t stop, nor could I help the juice that sprang from my own pussy. She bucked and moaned as they pleasured her from ever angle with their lips. Caramel king flipped her on all fours and removed his leather spanks freeing his pink tip cock. Whip chick grabbed his dick and greedily slid it to the back of her throat coating it with copious amounts of saliva. Gayle turned her neck watching from her bonded position licking her lips. Whip chick sucked on the dick sliding it in and out of her mouth and smacking her lips as she did. When he was slippery enough he slammed into Gayle making her cry out with pleasure. He slammed in and out of her wet pussy so hard I squeezed my own legs tightly closed. I vaguely wondered if it was painful, but when I heard her moans I knew it was pure pleasure.

His fingers dug into her skin as he gripped her waist to hold her ass steady as he pounded her. He withdrew his pleasure stick and walked around to her where she greedily took him into her mouth while whip chick’s tongue found Gayle’s pussy soothing it and flicking earnestly at her clit. Wow. This was a lot. I couldn’t watch anymore. Apart from being completely turned on, I wondered how Gayle could do this and go home and kiss Jaxon with those same lips that were devouring another man’s dick. I shot up out of the seat and exited the room. What I wouldn’t do to have Jaxon do those things to me. I’d love to feel his lips on my pussy flicking my clit with his tongue. I wondered what that felt like. And how his dick would feel entering me for the first time. I was flustered and I needed a good fuck. I made my way through the halls and back to the club where I found a seat at the bar.

I planted myself on the bar stool and ordered a red stripe, hoping it would cool me down. I knew Gayle was crazy but why did she think it was a good idea to put me in such a situation? How could she do this to Jaxon? She had a fine man what more did she need? I guess a woman like Gayle thrived on adventure. Jaxon was about the family life. I sat nursing the beer for a couple of hours until I saw her emerging from the secret room.

“That was fucking good Rox! Pussy get beat up and box up.” She took my beer and chugged it. Then ordered another and chugged half the bottle.

“It makes you thirsty?” I asked referring to the sex.

“It make yu hungry, thirsty, tired, energized, every bloodclaat thing yu can think of!” She took another swing of her beer.

“So is this a regular thing for you?” I asked not sure I really wanted to know the answer.

“Every fucking day and even more on the weekends.”

“Does it hurt?”

“Hurt? Ah the best pussyclaat feeling inna the world. I love to fuck. It gives me a buzz. Gets me through my days, it’s like a daily fix for me. I could do it all day.” She finished her beer and left a few dollars under the empty bottle.

“Let’s go virgin Theresa. You’re driving.” She handed me the keys and we exited the club. By the time we got home the house was in darkness and quiet. She went upstairs and I bid her goodnight trying not to judge her and begrudging her for having what I wanted. This was going to be another night with Jax-3000, I’ve never been so turned on in my life. The person I wanted was in this house lying in the same bed next to someone who didn’t want him. I stripped and took a quick shower, I was eager to feel the vibration on my clit to get some kind of release. I stepped out of the shower barely toweling myself. I wanted to get a bottle of water and some ice to cool my nipples. The quicker I got them, the quicker I could get on with my ritual. I felt like I was about to burst. I shrugged on my thin cotton robe barely tying the knot as I rushed to the kitchen.

My mind was so preoccupied I didn’t realize the light was on and somebody was in there until I bumped into the solid wall of his bare chest. His strong arms reached out and grabbed me to stop my fall.

First touch...

“Oh I’m sorry!” I blurted. Even as his scent, his touch and the heat from his body bombarded my senses I wanted to turn tail and run after what happened the night before.

“Sorry, mi neva realize anybody was awake.” I clutched my robe covering my half exposed breasts. He didn’t say anything he just stared. He was staring at my robe and I realized the thin cotton was wet and nipples were visible.

“Shit!” I tried to cover myself with my hands but he was already on me lifting me like he did and landing me on the kitchen counter. One hand held the side of my face gently.

“Mi swear you ago mek mi go a pussyclaat hell cause mi cyah keep mi hands offa you.” He breathed, just before his mouth descended on mine. This time there was no holding back. My hands flew around his neck as I opened my mouth and welcomed his lips and his tongue. I closed my eyes blocking out everything except his lips that were devouring mine. He bit my lower lip and my chin, then he moved to my neck and I gasped softly at the myriad of sensations that went through me. His hands went to the belt on my robe and I was helpless to stop him as he untied it and flew it open.

“Bomboclaat...” he breathed as he stood back to look at my naked body. “Pussyclaat perfection.” He didn’t waste another breath his head came down and he captured one of my nipples. I bit my lips to hold back the moan that rumbled from my belly as he took the bud between his teeth then drew it fully into his mouth.

“Fuuuuuuuuuk.” I moaned unable to control it anymore. I could feel the moisture flowing from my pussy. I needed him to touch me everywhere. His lips found the other nipple as his hands started moving down my body.

“You have no idea what it’s been like seeing you everyday, wanting you and can’t do a fucking thing about it.” He breathed against my skin, his lips moving from my nipples on a downward trajectory. “Roxanne, why you a mess up mi meds yow? I’m going straight to hell for the things I want to do to you.”

“And I’ll be right there with you,” I whispered.

“You smell divine.” He ran his nose against my skin stopping at my navel where he kissed it. He lifted one of my legs and kissed the inside of my thigh biting softly causing me to squirm.

“Rox, what do you want from me?” He looked up at my eyes half closed, his lips mere inches away from my pussy.

“I want you to kiss me, please” I whispered. I swallowed to wet my parched throat.

“Where? Here?” He kissed the inside my thigh closer to my pussy lips.

“No...please...” I begged my eyes rolling back in anticipation.

“Where? Tell me...” he whispered against my skin. His lips were so close I could feel his breath on my pussy lips.

“Please Jax...” I was writhing, lifting my waist toward his lips.

“Tell me...” he was taunting me.

“Motherfucking asshole, please!” I saw his smile as his tongue flicked out and took the first taste of my pussy.

“Heavenly divine...” he said as his lips covered my pussy lips. His tongue dove in and out of my hole and I was lost. I grabbed a handful of my robe and covered my mouth to stifle my moans, my breathing coming in short gasps. He inserted one finger and found my g-spot as his tongue flicked relentlessly at my clit. I held his head in place afraid he would leave that spot. When I climaxed my pussy juice gushed and he lapped it up even as he continued his sweet torture on my clit and his finger on my spot.

“Pussyclaat yu taste so fucking good. Don’t stop cumming baby. Let me drink the honey flowing from you sweet pussy.” My climax met climax as he made me cum over and over again. Who knew it was possible to cum so many times. I wanted to scream his name with each climax but all I could do was groan in my throat.

He kept his finger inside me as his lips moved from my pussy back to my lips. I could taste my essence on his lips and it made me want him even more. His index finger went in and out of my pussy hitting my spot touching my spot and I was still gushing pussy juice without his tongue. He slowly withdrew his finger as he kissed me softly.

“Goodnight baby,” he whispered against my lips as he slowly closed my robe and lifted me off the kitchen counter. ‘Please don’t stop!’ I wanted to scream at him because I wanted so much more, but I understood. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him thoroughly withholding nothing. His hands went to my butt and grabbed the cheeks squeezing and holding my body to his bulging erection.

“You feel that? You ago gi mi blue fucking balls but you are so worth it.” He kissed my lips softly again. “Now please go before I get myself into way more trouble than I’m already in.” I bit softly at his lower lip before unwrapping my arms and walking back to my room.

I closed the door and stood with my back to it. I couldn’t believe what had actually happened.

“God please forgive me,” I whispered a small prayer as the gravity of what happened hit me. How could I face him in the morning? How could I face Gayle? Yes, I knew what she was doing but it was none of my business. How could I stand and watch him kiss her after the way he kissed me? Or how could I watch her touch him after her wanton behavior? And even with all of that, I still wanted him. He felt right in my arms. In addition to the emotional turbulence my mind was experiencing, my body was in need, I was sensitive all over. I wanted to feel him deep inside me, the way caramel king was deep inside Gayle. I walked to my bed and climbed under the sheets. Maybe it was best to lay low for a little. Stay as far away as I could from them both. Sleep was the furthest thing from my mind another night.

The sound of my phone ringing woke me from a fitful sleep. I tossed and turned and clung to my pillows until dawn when my body finally gave in. I knew it was my mom without looking at the caller Id.

“Hi mommy,” I answered groggily.

“Good morning baby. How come you’re still in bed? Isn’t it your day to keep Jace?” My eyes flew open remembering it was Saturday and I usually had to babysit Jace for the day.

“Oh shoot!” I jumped out of bed. “I was up until really late and I overslept!”

“Why are you naked?” My mother’s face looked amused.

“What?” I looked down and my robe had come loose. “Oh it’s my robe mommy. I fell asleep before getting dressed.”

“Remember you’re not in your own house what if somebody walked in on you like that?” I loved my mom but she was like a mother hen.

“Mommy I’m 23, nobody walks in here without knocking. They’re very respectful of my space and I of theirs.”

“Ok Miss adult.” She rolled her eyes. “You need to get up, get dressed and go get that baby. You know how tight Gayle’s schedule is.”

‘I know a lot more than that,’ I thought. “Yea. Ok I’ll call you later. Love you.” I blew her a kiss and ended the call. I had a quick shower and threw on a large jeans jumper over a pink t-shirt and threw my hair up in a pineapple bun. I felt like hiding and large clothes were my only mechanism. I made my way slowly to the kitchen, each step bringingforbidden thoughts of last night to the front of my mind. The kitchen was empty and so was the living room.

I walked slowly up the stairs to find Jace since he wasn’t in his usual spot in his swing in the living room. “So you don’t plan on spending any time at all with our son?” I heard muffled talking in the adjoining room to Jace’s nursery. He was awake and quietly playing by himself. His room was well lit with a huge window, there was a bed beside his crib and a rocking chair in the corner of the room. His name was written on the wall with little blue baby elephants. When I walked over he started kicking his little legs and stretching his hands up to me. I reached in and lifted him hugging his chubby body to me. He’d already had his bath, he smelled baby sweet in his shorts and t-shirt.

“You’re the one who wanted a child! I gave you a child, now can I please live my life?!” Gayle shouted.

“And what about us? How long will we continue living like roommates?” He asked her. I gasped softly at that. He wanted his wife. He wanted Gayle, not me.

“What do you want from me Jax?! I’m late I have to go. I’ll see you later.” There was some muffled shuffling and the door opened and slammed.

Well at least I’ll be here alone with Jace. I thought to myself as I put him in his crib and gave him his pacifier. The door was flung open startling me. I gasped softly and turned around to see him filling the open doorway dressed in jeans and a kind of burnt orange tshirt. My heart leaped into my throat. I was hoping I could avoid him today, I didn’t know what to say to him.

“I didn’t realize you were awake.” He said.

“Yes, today is my day with Jace.” I said looking back at the baby.

“Well you were up so late last night, I just thought...” he walked into the room closing the door behind him.

“I’m up late all the time.” I cut him off before he brought up the incident.

“So why are you attacking me? Did I do something wrong? Roxy is this about what happened last night?”

My head snapped up and I looked at him. “Why would you bring that up?! Nothing happened!”

“You call gushing pussy juice in my mouth and all over my fingers nothing?” He asked calmly his grey eyes piercing.

“That shouldn’t have happened. You are my godmother’s husband.” I didn’t know what to say to his taunts. Words starts rushing from my mouth.

“And was I not that when my tongue was deep inside your...” I gasped loudly and tried to push pass him. He grabbed my arms and pulled me back to him. His lips were at my ears.

“Do you think I don’t know what you’re doing in those clothes? You could be wearing a nun’s habit I’ve already committed every inch of your body to memory.” He bent his head and kissed me below my ear, his hot mouth making its way up my chin and to my lips; I expelled the breath I was holding into his mouth.

“I can’t do this, Jax,” I put my hands on his chest to push him away and I couldn’t. He felt so right under my fingers.

“Please...” I whispered against his lips. I didn’t know if I was begging him to stop or take me.

“What do you really want Roxanne?” He asked looking down at me.

My eyes caught baby Jace in his crib. “We can’t do this.”

“Ok.” He backed away holding his hands aloft. I felt empty and bereft with his hands gone.

“I’m sorry. I won’t touch you, but I can’t promise you I’ll keep what I’m thinking to myself.” His body stopped touching me but I could feel the heat radiating from him.

“I’m weak for you. I want to lift you and have you slide down pan mi cocky slowly. I bet you’re wet under all that denim. I love how slippery your pussy juice is, make it easy fi slip in and out a yu.” The muscles of my pussy walls contracted and opened allowing my juice to spring and flow to my panties.

“Jax please!” I snapped at him and it startled Jace. He start looking from me to his father as if he knew what was going on.

“I’m hungry but it’s way too early for the strawberry shortcake you have between your legs.” He smiled obviously having fun taunting me.

“You’re such a fucking hypocrite! Wah happen to Gayle pussy? Yu nu wah up inna Gayle strawberry shortcake? She a yu motherfucking wife pussyhole! You wah play Russian roulette do it wid yu own raas life!”

“Don’t!” He stepped toward me his eyes like grey shards then he stopped and took two steps back. “Don’t talk about what you don’t know Rox. You just walked into our lives and turned everything upside down! All of a sudden I don’t want my wife anymore all I can think about is you!” His voice was raised enough to get Jace’s attention again.

“Are you happy now? I want you! Every time I close my eyes I see you! I want you under my body, in my face and on top of me all the fucking time! You’re all I can think about! You can’t look me in the face and tell me you don’t feel the same.” His hands were balled at his side and he closed his eyes.

“The way you look at me Roxanne...” his voice trailed off and he looked down at Jace.

“What way?” I was shocked when he revealed that I was the reason things were bad between him and Gayle. “It’s not fair that you’re blaming me for what’s going on in your marriage. I’ve been trying to keep as far away as possible from you.”

Jace chose that moment to start fussing. He was probably hungry or he wanted to cuddle so he could nap. He stretched for me and I picked him up and cuddled him to my chest.

“You can go, I’ve got this; you don’t have to stay with us.” I walked to the rocking chair with Jace and as soon as I sat he started snuggling into my chest his eyes closing. I settled in the rocking chair and positioned him on my chest rocking gently back and forth.

“He feels a little warm. I probably need to keep an eye on his temp.” He walked over and touched Jace’s forehead.

“I’m not leaving you guys alone today. I can work from here.”

“You really don’t have to do that. If anything I’ll just call Aunty Gayle.” I said quickly not wanting to be there with him alone.

“Gayle? Gayle nu give one fuck and you know it! Furthermore she’ll be out of town for the weekend.” His eyes started freezing again. I knew he was the responsible parent for Jace; I knew Gayle didn’t care I was just scared about being alone with him. My feelings aside, Jace was priority right now.

“Did he eat his breakfast this morning?” I asked him.

“He didn’t have his usual appetite. He was picky and a bit fussy.” He was thoughtful.

I decided to call my mom and ask her advice. She picked up on the first ting.

“Hey baby. Wah happen?”

“Mommy, it’s Jay. He has a temperature and he’s not eating. Do you have any idea what’s happening with him?”

My moms brows were creased in thought. “What’s his temperature?”

“I didn’t check. I just felt the warmth from his skin. I’ll check now. Jax could you get his thermometer please?”

“Is that Jax? Hey Jaxon!” My mom called out to him on speaker.

“Hi Brenda. Long time!” He called as he rummaged through Jace’s stuff to find his thermometer. He handed it to me and I gave him my phone while I checked Jace’s temp without disturbing him too much.

“It’s 102 degrees mommy! That’s too high right?!.” I said loudly enough so she could hear me. I was a little hysterical but I needed to display some amount of calm.

“Ok listen to me. His temperature is a little too high for his age. I think he’s teething but you should take him to his pediatrician to be safe.” She advised.

“Thanks a lot Brenda.” He said to my mom.

“Ok mommy, I’ll let you know what the doctor says. Talk later. Love you.” I ended the call and struggled out of the rocking chair with Jace in my arms.

“Ok let’s go!” I said urgently, concern creasing my brows. Still holding Jace, I started packing baby essentials in his baby bag.

He quickly fished his cellphone from his pocket and dialed a number.
“Hello, Dre? Jace has a high temperature, we’re taking him in.” He said to the person on the other end then he ended the call and grabbed the bag.

The ride to the pediatrician was short, he got there in no time as he sped and maneuvered his Porsche SUV through the streets of Kingston.

He wanted to take Jace but he fussed and clung to me when he tried to move him from his comfortable position on my chest. The doctor’s office was sterile and spacious with lots of toys and colorful posters for children. There were a few parents sitting in the waiting room but as soon as we walked in the receptionist/ nurse smiled broadly at Jax her eyes taking in every inch of his body.

“Hello Jaxon,” she greeted him. She didn’t look at me or Jace. I couldn’t help my annoyance at how she was ogling him and showing no concern for the baby.

“Hi Subrena. We need to see Dre...I mean Dr. McDonald urgently.

“Yes, he’s expecting you, you can go right in.” He didn’t stop to thank her, he turned to me putting his hand at the small of my back me ushering me to the white door with a huge picture of spongebob squarepants.

“Dre, Jace’s temperature is 102 degrees. You gotta fix it.” He started talking as soon as he barged through the door. The doctor’s head was down reading through a file. He raised his head and he looked pass Jaxon and when his eyes met mine he opened his mouth to speak and nothing came out.

“Dre the baby!” He shouted.

“Yea.” He cleared his throat and stood immediately. He was about the same height as Jaxon, had the same chocolate complexion but he sported a well trimmed and shaped beard. His eyes were dark brown and his white coat clung to his bulging muscles. He took Jax from my arms and he opened his eyes and started fussing, stretching his hands to me. He cradled him and walked over to a white covered examination table where Jace cried bloody murder while he removed his clothes and gave him a proper examination.

“He’s perfectly fine. He’s teething. Two from the bottom and two from the top. Four all at once.” He spoke as he started putting his clothes back on.

“I’ll do that doctor.” I stepped forward. I couldn’t bare to hear Jace crying. It was pulling at my heart and I also needed to occupy myself so I wasn’t staring at Jax every chance I got.

“Sure,” he turned to me. His eyes roamed over my body, almost undressing me. I know I wasn’t the most attractive in my baggy jumper and messy pineapple. He could not possibly be attracted to me.

“I don’t believe we’ve met.” He said smoothly.

I didn’t respond I took Jace’s clothes and dressed him quickly. When I held him in my arms he calmed down.

“It’s ok baby. Aunty’s here,” I whispered to him and kissed his warm head.

“She’s unavailable.” Jaxon said scowling at him.

“Oh, I didn’t know Gayle had a younger sister.” He continued looking at me.

“What about his fever?” Jax asked looking quite peeved.

“Here is a script for fever medicine and something to soothe his gums.” He handed Jaxon the script, ignoring his scowl, his eyes still on me.

“I’m Andre,” he walked over to me and extended his hand smiling. I took it briefly and smiled back.

“I’m Roxanne.”

“Roxanne, forgive my forwardness but you are beautiful.” I hid my face behind Jace’s little body to hide my smile. I wanted to laugh at how hard Jaxon was scowling.

“Thank you.” I said a little shyly.

“Can I see you...” Jaxon cut him off in mid sentence stopping the inevitable proposal.

“She’s off limits bredrin.”

Was he serious? Off limits from who? “Do you have a pen doctor?” I asked startling them both. Dr. Andre quickly recovered and took up his pen and prescription pad. I called out my number and he wrote it eagerly.

“Thank you Roxanne. And please call me Andre. I’ll call you later, If that’s ok.”

“That’s fine.” I said and walked to the door but not before I saw the clench of Jax’s jaw. I opened the door while maneuvering Jace and he walked out behind me. He thanked the nurse and we left. By the set of his jaw and his silence on our way to the pharmacy, I knew he was angry but,I didn’t care. He had no right. HE was married. While he was inside the pharmacy I got Jace to drink some of his formula. Not the amount he would have usually but it was more than nothing.

By the time we got home it was way past noon. I decided to give Jace a cold bath to help with the fever. I gave him the medicine, and he was fast asleep in minutes after snuggling on my chest. Jax still had not said one word to me, he just watched me tend to Jace brooding. When Jace fell asleep he took him from my arms and settled him in his crib. I continued sitting in the rocking chair with my eyes closed moving back and forth. I felt his presence before I felt his hands on mine. I gasped softly and my eyes flew open as he dragged me up and against his hardness.

“What part of unavailable didn’t you get?” He said before his mouth came down hard on mine as if he was waiting all day to do it. The shock wore off quickly and I kissed him back with equal gusto sucking at his tongue and his lips.

“That’s not for you to decide.” I said biting his bottom lip.

“So I’m supposed to be ok with another man touching and kissing you. I’m fucking not!” He grabbed my ass and pressed my body to his and I gasped.

“You can’t be jealous of what’s not yours.”

“You are mine.” He whispered.

“Tell that to Gayle.”

“I don’t want Gayle, Rox I want you.” I scoffed and pushed him away. Both he and Gayle were crazy.

“Look like yu lick yu pussyclaat head. This can’t work Jax! I’ll try to avoid you, I suggest you do the same.” It took everything out of me to walk away from him but I couldn’t in all good conscience give in to what I really wanted to do. I took the baby monitor so I could check on Jace back in my room. I left his mouth gaping, but I couldn’t stay in the same space with him.

Back in my room I stripped off the horrid extremely hot jumper and decided to take a cold shower to cool off. I was horny and my head was spinning from all that took place between last night and today. When I stepped into the shower Iallowed the cool water to spray against my naked body for a few minutes. I know I didn’t have long before Jace woke up. I stepped out of the shower and grabbing my thin cotton robe I wrapped it around my wet body without tying the belt. I walked into the room and there he was sitting on my bed.

“Jaxon! This is an invasion of my privacy! What are you doing...” he reached for me before I could berate him any further and drew me down on his lap. He didn’t speak, he took my lips so tenderly, I surrendered immediately. He proved that all I had were words, nothing more. His hands went to my hair and loosened the pins allowing the jet black curly waves to fall around my shoulders and down my back.

“Perfection.” He whispered as he moved one lock from my face and tucked it behind my ear. He was staring at me with pure adoration, like I was the only girl in his world. I hate that he belonged to somebody else. I wanted him to belong to me, but right now I just I wanted to revel in this moment.

“I try but I can’t stay away...” He whispered.

With his lips still against mine, he peeled the wet robe from my shoulders and pooled it at the foot of the bed. I was naked on his lap. His hands went exploring even as our lips and tongues were entangled. I forgot everything but the feel of him beneath me. I moaned as my hands grabbed his t-shirt and drew it over head. He closed his eyes as my finger ran over the contours of his shoulders and back. I leaned in and kissed his chest softly and a shiver ran up his spine.

A moment of doubt crept in my mind and I stilled as his lips travelled down my neck.

“We shouldn’t be doing this...”


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JAHMin' Posts Of The Week [March 1st - March 7th, 2021] Ital Food, R.I.P. Bunny Wailer, Blue Mountain Coffee, Reggae-rotica, & More!!

manually curated by @JustinParke on behalf of @ReggaeJAHM


⋆ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏsᴛ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ᴀɴ ɪʀɪᴇ ᴜᴘᴠᴏᴛᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ
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