in #secrets7 years ago (edited)


    From angle fictive memorial  older that stone hinge to strange natural formations here or three secrets of the Sahara desert.


Desert combs to think about secrets is that once their uncovered they're not a secret anymore but near you going to Egypt in the sounds that surround the area there is a secret that keeps getting rediscovered in twenty fourteen people used google maps too you get the Sahara desert and it's around the areas and notice them odd cone shaped markings in the zoomed out they notice a massive pattern that was to pre-side to be random the  tools were actually forming a spiral pattern below is even more sir rising was the size it was one hundred in diameter in the center and the area that contain the viral was a million square feet so why was it of course every unless speculating it was the remains of a newly discovered civilization.

or ancient aliens well ironically it was a human who did this you see this pattern it was actually an art piece done a thousand nine hundred and seven called desert breath and was made under the watchful i have been a straight it apparently took years to make which given the desert setting and i can believe ironically though people keep forgetting about it which is why when it was rediscovered and twenty fourteen it caused just or hopefully people we remember at this time but if not it's not the worst thing in the world i guess.


The lab to stones when not a building things that are theoretically impossible for the times the Egyptians hold the record in sudden Egypt there are ancient smell effects structures that are believed to be the type of calendar circle the stone structures have not to play our considered by biologists to be the oldest known astronomical alignment of mega lists in the world what's more for the people have nap to play a fairly dragged them over one cool better to their final resting place even though the stone blocks are over now eight feet tall still not impressed well but you compare these two stone hedge this humungous stone complex was made thousands of years before that not only did it have a monolithic calendar marking the summer solstice and the constellations in the night sky they were also stone circles tubes slabs of stones and there are things archeologists are still on covering there are so many questions when it comes to these stones why did the Egyptians field they need to build them how long did it make what exactly did they do their even though it dates back at least seven thousand years it was only rediscovered in one thousand hundred.

 - It's not exactly what you think:

 It's not exactly what you think here are some interesting facts about the Sahara desert we might not have known for example even though it is considered the largest desert on earth it's technically not true and to arctic gut is scientifically a desert to a snow desert but one nonetheless but still if we're all looking sand deserts the Sahara is came by the way to hairs desert in Arabic which means the name translated is literally a desert desert which is why technically you should just say that Sahara up when i was going to call you out on it and less they're super noise English you can say it another phone fact well those a hair is known for its heat as it should be the nights and the Sahara or the exact opposite at certain months of the year between December and February and actually dropped to below freezing temperatures sometimes way below and there's even been cases us know covering certain standards cool hot also despite to do deserts reputation for harshness and death it actually has a lot of for lands on it you just have to know where to look causes aren't everywhere mind you but it's enough to make you wonder how it happened some of it is man made well others aspects of in our cars my underground rivers because of this over a thousand species of plants live in the Sahara and one last thing this have here at technically isn't made up of all say and about thirty percent of it is pure sand and the rest is  rebel the more you know right.