Hacked, Social Engineering, Exploits, and you...

in #security5 years ago

Ugh, that hacked term keeps getting thrown around like its nothing... -_- let's set something straight, most likely you were SOCIALLY ENGINEERED. Let's discuss in layman's terms:

Hacked. This is when someone takes advantage of a hardware and/or software and/or firmware exploit to gain access to something. Like say, Equifax data breaches, jailbreaking/rooting your android phone, Nintendo Switch, iPhone, the reasons why Windows always keeps releasing these updates, etc.

(D)DoS: This is when you get flooded, either, again, due to a hardware and/or software exploit. Or in the case of a distributed DoS, bots/zombie PCs everywhere flood traffic going somewhere to crash it deliberately. This happened to PSN/Xbox Live several years ago.

Socially Engineered: this is when you click on and/or share those stupid insert random major retail or food chain here ads, insert random major brand here ads, etc.. and you use your FB or Twitter or whatever login credentials the shady site is calling for, and provide them, then BOOM. Additionally, this is also when you carelessly give out login and passwords and other personal info... and furthermore taking on shady/sketchy/scam youtube/twitch sponsorship deals, etc..

Hope I cleared things up some. Have a great day...