How to keep safe our password in Steemit?
Greetings community of Steemit, here are 2 ways to restore your password in Steemit in case you forget it, this will help you to keep control on our account in case of an emergency in which can’t sign up.
I will divide this tutorial in 2 post, there will be 2 differents methods equally valid and applicable in any scenery so this way you can choose the process you like the most, all will be in focus to offer an extra security layer so that the password does not fall in third parties.
To save our password what we will do first is to register with pastebin
What is pastebin?
A/Pastebin is a website in which you’ll be able to paste pieces of texts or codes, we’ll use it to save our Steemit’s password in a private and safe way.

After you have registered, you must enter the email you used before to register in pastebin to confirm your account and thus proceed to save the password with privacy.

After having completed the entire registration form and confirm the pastebin account, then you proceed to write your password in Steemit in a private way.

1:Paste expiration:
time life of your text, since we’ll keep it as a backup in case of emergency we’ll choose the option “NEVER”, so that it never expire.2:Paste exposure:
It tells us if we want our text to be private or public, we will choose private to keep our Steemit’s password safe, remember to be registered in order to access the option of private pastures.3:Paste name / title:
Here we put the name or title that we want to put to the text that we will keep in private, in this case since it is the backup of our Steemit’s password the name will be: STEEMITPASSWORDBACKUP.After following these steps correctly we will get something like this:

At this point our work on pastebin is over, now we will go to create a QR code to save our pastebin paste in which we wrote our password previously.
According to wikipedia a QR code is defined as:
"A QR code (Quick Response code) is the evolution of the bar code.It is a module for storing information in an array of points or in a two-dimensional bar code ... It presents three Squares in the corners that allow to detect the position of the code to the reader. "
We will go to:
Then, we will copy the url of the pastebin where we have our Steemit password safe and paste it into the QR code generator:

We save the image of our QR code in a safe place (YOU CAN PRINT THE QR CODE AND KEEP IT IN A PHYSICAL PLACE)
Anyway, you can also save it on your pc or paste it into your blog or website, remember to keep the text private so that nobody outside you read your data stored in the pastebin.

To conclude this first part, what we’ll do is to download a QR quality application:
Restore password:
Having already installed the QR code reader on the smartphone we will read the QR code to retrieve the password that is stored in our memory, remember that the already configured the QR code, so at the time of the reading it teach us the text Of the pastebin.
We will read the following code:

The result after reading our QR code is the next:

As we can see, we only need to scan the QR code to access the backup of our password steemit.
One of the great advantages of using the QR code is that we can store it on paper by printing the code or safeguarding the image in a safe place, remember to keep the paste option private so that only you, the owners, can see your important texts!
The example I used here is without a password so anyone can see the sample text.
I hope this can be of great help and useful to the whole community this way to protect our password steemit in a safe environment.
The best way to protect your Steemit password is just to store it on a safe place printed. Even when somebody finds the paper, he can hardly assume that it is your Steemit pass.
We can encrypt it before saving it in a physical place, so our steemit password will have a layer of security, thank your for your response :-)
That's actually an ingeniuos idea on saving passwords! It's really clever... Might not be the most secure as written on paper.
I will make a second post in which we will encrypt our password to get an extra layer of security in our password steemit, thank your for your response :D
Oooo, that's also really clever! You know what you're doing lol!
I'll let you know when the second entry it's ready!
second entry here:
Awesome! Thanks
You're welcome, stay tuned on my tutorials, interesting things will be coming!
Great post bro.. Thanks for sharing. Keep it up..
thank you for your response buddy :-)