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RE: Be Careful My Friends; Your Personal Security Matters

in #security8 years ago

I totally agree with this. As a former Detective I am paranoid. In 2014 three guys broke into my house while my family was home, I was at work and it was the middle of the night. One of these men I had sent to prison. They got my information online from the appraisal district. My family is fine btw and my kids never found out. Do a Google search on yourself and see what comes up. I have spent a good amount of time having my information removed from all these stupid data mining websites.


We should connect further if you're willing.

Way back many years ago I wanted to be a detective, but I couldn't get my foot in the door as a beat cop to work my way up. After six years of trying to get hired back when quotas were controlling who got hired, I gave up and started doing IT work.

A couple years ago though I finally became a registered PI in Virginia. I'm doing what I've always wanted to do finally, and this and residential security are my real passions in life.

Yes, I've ruined people's lives, and my wife has put people in prison. We have to pay way more attention to our security than the average person because of those reasons. You have similar reasons to do the same. Your life drastically changes when you have people who want you dead. ;-)

Well I think being a police officer is totally different from what it was just a few years ago. I don't think I would encourage anyone into going into it. Dealing with scum, evil, mental illness, dead bodies, fights and all the other crap can take a toll after a while.

It does change your perspective. I sit where I can see in restaurants, I have driven past my house more than once when driving home because someone may have been following me, putting my gun on just to walk out and get the mail.

Last year we decided to make a big change and we left Houston. Now we live on a farm and the stress levels have gone way down.

I am always up for connecting with people.

Your gun should be on your body all the time anyway even while in your home. :)

I hate double standards and special protections. All police functions should be privatized. PI's already do investigative work, there are security companies already, etc.

You were wise to move out of an urban area. Things here are only going to continue getting worse and worse. I've been telling friends to leave urban areas for years. Most have ignored me unfortunately.

Oh, you're not paranoid. The threats are real. If you were making them up in your head, then you'd be paranoid. haha