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RE: What Operating System should I Use?

in #security8 years ago (edited)

Every time I use Linux, going back to Windows is always a pleasant feeling. I particularly find Windows 10 the most modern and connected to cloud services among the desktop OSes. (Yes, you give up privacy for convenience, but I'll happily take that compromise) More importantly, the software I need for work and pleasure is simply not available on Linux. Apart from that, frankly there's little to choose between a modern Linux distro, Windows 10 and macOS Sierra. They are all solid operating systems.

Of course, you're spot on - for mission critical applications and developers, Linux is the way to go. But I'm just someone who uses their computer to get work done and for entertainment. Windows 10 is the best choice for me and many an average Joe.


Ok I can accept that, although I would not comprimize the privacy, especially in this day and age of cyber hacks and cyber warfare. Identity theft and other horrible things are the norm now.

For average Joe, maybe, but if people hold money on their PC or deal with money, then I would certainly not settle for a weak non-secure OS.

Linux can run Windows apps too, but maybe that feature should be more user friendly.

The regular Joe doesn't give a shit about privacy anymore. Today, vast majority of computing is in fact done on Android, which generates all its revenue from breaching your privacy. Unlike Windows you don't even have the options to shut off stuff that blatantly compromises your privacy. You could of course argue that that's terrible, but that's just how the tech world is today. I have just accepted it and moved on.

I have used Wine but the performance and usability is just nowhere near a native Windows install. Particularly stuff that uses the GPU. I'm sure there are others, but it's not worth it, for me.

Yeah but big investors are not your average Joe. Yes maybe a young guy with no money doesn't care, but someone with a big wealth does.

It depends how much money you can lose by not caring.

Shame on you windows love, i learned computing on windows, but at the end, like profitgenerator, i fell in love of linux, it is so easy to use, there are so much help on the web.
Windows is just a big piece of shit who continiously serves your data to everybody like a bitch would do with customers ! plus it is full of bugs, sefeless, it casts blue screen of death at every single attempt to have a stable os, no sorry but me, i am definitly unhappy when i have to switch from my lovelu xerus to the ugly windows 10