How having event security can save your event from terror attacks

in #security8 years ago (edited)


In today’s current climate, the question should not be whether your event should have security or not but more about the level of security the event should have.

As an event organizer, you are going to make a decision on how attractive your event is for terrorists. Sadly, with the Manchester terror attack as an example, even events for families or children are no longer safe zones.

The Manchester event had security. They had a full array of security staff and conducted random bag and body searches as they let ticket holders into the event. They had plenty of restrictions in place and in the case of the terrorist trying to get into the event at this point, he would have probably been stopped. However, he entered the event when it was finishing which was a less secure time.

Since the attack, the UK has seen numerous sporting and music events including some very high profile and no doubt considered a high-level security risk and they have increased their event security during the whole event and around the surrounding areas.

Event security can help save the event against terror attacks by:

Preventing terrorists getting into the event. By having event security and a strong security strategy you are able to prevent any terrorist from entering the event and causing damage from the inside. They can also secure the premises before the event to ensure it’s safe and free from a terrorist attack before the event has started. For example, planted bombs.

Increased presence. Often terrorists are looking for easy targets. Those events with little or no security or security not prepared for an attack. The term used to describe such attacks are marauding attacks similar to the recent Paris terror attacks. Having a presence can be enough to secure your event.

Emergency response plans. If you were to be targeted by a terror attack, as the recent reaction to a terror attack in London can demonstrate, having a plan in place will protect as many people as possible, clear the event and reduce the effect of the terror attack or any secondary attacks.You’ll need to liaise with emergency services, even in just the planning stage. Having expert security onboard can help with the process

Unfortunately, this is the world we live in. The question of whether an event with any reasonable amount of general public attending should have security has become redundant. It’s a given. Yes, there should be security. The question now is more an estimation of how much security is needed.

Nobody would ever think that an Ariana Grande concert, full of young girls and often their mothers, would be a target but it was and 22 victims died as a consequence. That means the criteria for which we measure the risk of an attack on future events has changed and we need to ensure we change our risk assessment of our own events to match the current level of threat from terrorism. This is where special event security comes in.

Event Security is now the norm and the public understands and is accepting of this special show of force. Private security companies like Fast Guard Service LLC which have been serving events world wide have seen an increase in demand because of the fear of terrorist attacks. These attacks have left uncertainity in the minds of the public and the public demands to be better protected.