Obama admits government monitoring your browsing history. Live, on camera.

in #security8 years ago

During a PBS town hall meeting, president Obama was asked why he and Hillary want to control and restrict guns and ammunition to responsible gun owners. The question was asked by a gun store owner, and it visibly angered Obama. You can tell by the sudden head bobbing, hand waving, and forceful denials. Then he let something slip:

"I just came from a meeting, today, in the situation room, in which I’ve got people who we know have been on ISIL websites living here in the United States - US citizens. And we’re allowed to put them on the no fly list when it comes to airlines, but because of the National Rifle Association I cannot prohibit those people from buying guns!"


Here is the entire hour long Elkhard, Indiana Town Hall for those that would like the entire context of the discussion.

As some of the other articles have asked:
Who gets to decide what websites are 'verboten' and will authorize the removal of your right to own a gun? What keywords will put you on that list? What evidence is required to prove it was you on those websites? The list of questions that come up are numerous and enraging.

To hear the President of the "Land of the Free" say this makes the impending executive orders on the way out the door even more worrysome.


He says the government isn't out to tyrannically destroy the second amendment while he simultaneously hints at an ongoing tyrannical destruction of the fourth amendment.

This present administration is leading us further into a dictatorial type government that will lead to totalitarian submision of it's own citizens. I have never before felt so unsure of our government as I do under this present madman. His main agenda it seems, is total control of each person's personal life while he destroys our 'constitutional rights' to be free from such out landish tyranny. We are getting very close to becoming puppets for the government.
It's hard to determine what to expect each day we awake. Martial law could be next then fema camps, who really knows any more. I'm 59 years old and have beenthrough alot of administrations but none has been as dangerous as this present one. I sometimes wander if this man actually hates the american people. Anyway, we can only hope the sun will continue to shine on us for another day....