Aww bud :( I hope he's okay! I wonder if he's sick? Maybe that's why Mr Pendock fought him?
We had a bad weekend with our chickens. Neighbors dog came down again, three dead including Rainbow Soldier. I'm not in the best spirits right now.
I hope this guy makes it though♡♡♡
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Omg@!!!! Nooooooooo :'( Fuckiing dog??? And you say again, did the dog kill more of your chickens before too?? I thought is was the minx... :'( :'( :'(
Peter Parker died too... :'( :'(
Awww so sorry :( poor guy :(
Yeah This dog got our last rooster too, Luna the barred rock.
Luckily Wilbur the cockeral survived, he got all his tail feathers ripped out and hid all night friday night then came back the next afternoon. I thought he was a goner.
I'm sorry about Peter Parker he was so beautiful.
I'm sorry to hear about your babies too.... :'( :'( :'(