#seewhatisee: The Twinado Experience

in #seewhatisee7 years ago

These 2 together equal mischief and trouble. I call them my twinadoes, and in this post I'll show you why.

I utter the phrase "what the fuck", to myself at least 100 times a day. But this day, I said it preeeetty loud. This is in my car you guys. My daughter is grooosss. Lol.
There's always a mess of toys waiting to trip you up in the kitchen. I call it the trail of tears. No one goes bare footed in our house but the kids, and still, they'll getcha everytime.

This is my favorite chair. Its so comfy. But dont ask me what those stains are. Cuz i dunno. sigh
Most books end up here. Even though the bookshelf is just steps away. We're working on that one. Ha!
Mystery dirt. I don't even know....
There's a little space at the top of the fire place that the kids love to shove things in. Ugh.
"Don't you have toy boxes? " Yuuup.
And everywhere I look, I see twins. Very often I find twin egg yolks or fruit like this. For some reason the universe chose me for this. I must be strong enough, but good lord, these messes are driving me mad.

Love and light to all! ♡♡♡
khackett_red.pngThere you have it! #seewhatisee : The Twinado Experience

Come with me and #seewhatisee....


Are you sure the mystery dirt isn't more boogers? 😂
I love the "good enuf" book pile. When I was a kid, my idea of "cleaning my room" was shoving everything under the bed and strategically placing boxes in front. My mom figured it out, so then I places two layers of boxes in front so when she moved one to check, she just saw another box. 😂

Omg. Yes! I shoved everything under my bed until my dad caught on to that. Then I started shoving everything in the closet. It worked great until the day basically everything i owned was shoved in the closet and it would hardly close. Dad yanked that door open and a mountain of stuff fell on him. 😂 That was also the last day I had a door on my closet until I moved out and got my own place. 🤣🤣🤣

Ba hahaaaa!!! Omg that was soooooooo awesome thank you for breaking this barrier hahahahahaa!!! YOu made every Mom in the world not feel alone anymore!! Except that you have double the trouble! <3 <3 <3 This is the best #seewhatisee I have ever seen :) :) :)

Haha! I thought the booger pic was slightly too gross and maybe I should leave it out. But then I thought, no. Fuck that. Parenting is gross, the people need to know! 🤣😆

It looks like they're keeping you busy! There's always something to clean with kids around. At least you're not bored, right?!

sigh true. Lol

YA! I'm not the only one woohoo! Although I dont have twins I think my one girl takes on just as much, then add the other two.... I understand you 100%

Yeah, kids are just messy. It's frustrating, but I never cease to be amazed at the new and weird things they can do to create such a mess. It's never boring, that's for sure! 🤣

My personal favorite....River and are coloring and Mr. SIMON will come by grab a blue, always blue and skribble 3 circles on what i am drawing on. Look at me, evil grin ans run away, while i sit there in awe. Like i have gotten to the point where i turn the page because i dont want him to jack up what im doing, but then he gets mad.....DAMN IT LET ME COLOR, YOU LITTLE BADGER

And River...oh man, if simon and i are playing hungry hippos, she grabs all the marbles and shovels them down here hippos mouth, like not using the black handles to make the hippo move.... litterally grabbing them with her hand and shoving them down the hippos throat....like whose kids are these monsters yelling i win, throws up her hands and goes back to dolls. We are like what the shit, thats not how its done

This is absolutely hilarious....The toy boxes and the book pile!! I relate so much to that!!! Even though the majority of my kids' toys are still in the attic, the few they have left still manage to mysteriously multiply on the floor. I loved your comments on the pictures, which made them even funnier :)

For some reason the universe chose me for this. I must be strong enough, but good lord, these messes are driving me mad.

YEP! :-)))) Thank you for my "hooray somebody else gets it!" laugh tonight!

You are very Blessed and in time you will see what I see.


Hahahhahahaahhahaha So much about little children. Sometimes I wonder if its the destiny of children to scatter everywhere. Lol.

No dull moment with children at all, even when they frustrate you, you have no choislce than to love them like that. Lol... So funny

Kids. They are all the same. I caught (on video) my Toddler picked out a big booger and than wiped it in her baby sisters hair. Than the most evil of all laughs exploded outta her.

I feel your pain with the messy books and toys... it’s like Sisyphus ... no matter how many times I tidy up, I always end up at square one!

It’s a good thing they’re cute, right?

Boogers in the hair! 😮 😂😂

That does not seem fair 2 against 1 you must be extra strong : D and so many mysterious stains but I bet you love every second, "Don't you have toy boxes? " Yuuup rofl. thank for sharing #seewhatisee and you see a lot of boogers :P

Hahaha... lmmfao @ boogers

ha ha, I have one child, but he is hyperactive. I know the constant mess in the house. But if there were two of them😱😱😱, then I would definitely go crazy 😂😂😂

They so cute, those are lovely kids

Oh wow, kids can be creatively messy sometimes haha. Reminds me of my little brother when he was a kid. Thankfully there was only one of him.

Your children so cute .

Which baby is cute? And does that mean you're implying that the other one isn't cute?
That's nice you're lovely, but how is it applicable to her post about her twinadoes?

Simon and river seem to always keep you busy @kheackett hehehehe .. kids are so good, hope you have patience