I travel this path twice per day on my way to drive my kids to school and head to work and then reverse the order when heading home. I am usually distracted by car conversations with my kids, noise from the radio or lists of tasks, plans and timelines of my daily life whirling around in my head. But the odd time, like it did on this particular snowy morning; there is a moment or two of silence where time seems to slow it’s ever steady pace and nature catches the appreciation of my eye as it would a piece of artwork. A glimpse of beautiful lightly falling snow and glistening ice, of mist raising off of the tranquil water and the way the colours within this winter wonderland are dull and lack the vibrancy of other seasons, yet the almost monochromatic effect is still satisfying to the senses in its own soothing uniqueness.
I have always admired the perspective as I drive down this road in the winter; the large trees bending in to meet each other in the centre, forming an archway. I have several times taken this mental picture in my mind’s eye but today actually stopped my car to capture it. I perplexed my children as to why mom suddenly stops car, gets out and snaps a picture of a seemingly empty road ahead.
I am not what I would describe as an “outdoorsy” person. I don’t enjoy extreme temperatures or weather conditions at any time of year, but this morning from the cosiness of my warm car, I was aware of the beauty around me. I feel fortunate to live in Canada where we have four seasons that each offer different gifts to the senses. Also fortunate that life has a way of forcing you to slow down even if for only a second or two, to not let these tiny moments slip by unnoticed. Afterall, in a busy, hectic, over-pressured existence, I embrace serenity in any dose I can get it.
Nicely written and paired with beautiful photography @purplemagic!
Thank you @rebeccaryan , I was inspired and then like synergy, the perfect tag appeared. #seewhatisee