Do youa see whadda I see eh?
I seea Bigga Smokie sleepin witha the fishes if he looka at me likea that, capische!?
And makea sure you senda me my eggs pronto, I don’t breaka the legs for nothing, ok!
Don Poltryoni - Respectable businessman.
Do youa see whadda I see eh?
I seea Bigga Smokie sleepin witha the fishes if he looka at me likea that, capische!?
And makea sure you senda me my eggs pronto, I don’t breaka the legs for nothing, ok!
Don Poltryoni - Respectable businessman.
Omg you seriously crack me up, every single morning xoxo You are better than coffee @tremendospercy!!!
All we need now is Peter Griffin to show up and set Mr. Poltryoni straight!
Doubt it. It will be inconclusive after hours of fighting.
😆😂🤣Yeah, the chicken always finds his way back!